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双流环控制的单相逆变器并网 外文文献翻译 毕设论文
附录 英文翻译
1. 英文文献原文
Control of inverter-based micro-grids
T.C. Green, M. Prodanovic
Imperial College London, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Control and Power Group, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
Available online 28 September 2006
The predicted growth of small-scale non-50/60 Hz power sources and the desire to be able to support loads independently of the public electricity grid requires the development inverter-based micro-grids. Power electronic interfaces have very different characteristics to conventional electrical machines and, therefore, different operation, control and protection schemes are required. Attention also needs to be given to the dominance of single-phase harmonically distorting loads in some networks and control schemes put in place that maintain voltage quality. A control scheme that exploits the controllability of inverters to operate a micro-grid and provide good power quality is examined and compared with both traditional power systems and with control of dc/dc power converters. The limitations of communication and control bandwidth are discussed. Experimental results are used to illustrate the performance that can be achieved with various combinations of linear and non-linear, three-phase and single-phase loads.
? 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Distributed generation; Micro grids; Inverters; Power quality
1. Introduction
Micro-grids are thought to be a likely direction for evolution of power systems that incorporate distributed generation. The term micro-grid is not strictly defined and covers a wide range of possible systems [1–3]. Here, the term is taken to mean a sub-set of a power distribution system that contains sufficient energy sources to supply most or all of the local load. The micro-grid is thus able to operate with only a small power exchange with the rest of the system and at times can sepa
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