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副 标 题:下部结构设计
外文题目:Damage analysis and seismic retrofitting of a continuous prestressed reinforced concrete bridge
毕业设计(论文)共144页 图纸共 13 张
完成日期 2015年6月5日 答辩日期2015年6月17日
The bridge is reinforced prestressed concrete simply supported T beam bridge, the first base and the lower part of the design, in overseas pavement design, bridge a total length of 280m and seven cross, 40m span, load design for highway - grade II load, design speed for V=80Km/h. This part of the design for the design of the substructure of the bridge, including bearing design, beam design, bridge pier (abutment) design, platform design, pile foundation design, the bridge department, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, is an important part of Guangzhou citys beltway highway, after the completion of the bridge, new traffic as possible, provide what they ought to do contribution for the economic development of Guangzhou city.
The initial design of the bridge, first access to the lot of the climate, geology, hydrology and other natural materials, and understand the local consumer and industry and trade, and then refer to the laws and regulations, calculation method, design experience and principles, on this basis, combined with the latest regulations and local data, after yourself carefully and seriously, rigorous calculated and checked out. In the design of all parameters, the shape, the size, the method are the laws and rules, with mirror, reflecting the seriousness and standard design.
The design of bearing with the laminated rubber bearings, piers of double column bored pile piers, cap with T shaped cap abutment using wall type frame buried abutment. In the calculation, the calculation and the estimated force of the horizontal force, the vertical force, the pressure of the system, the earth pressure, the earthquake force and so on are considered, and the guarantee for the a
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