
通信工程专业设计终稿 键盘鼠标识别器的设计毕设论文.doc

通信工程专业设计终稿 键盘鼠标识别器的设计毕设论文.doc

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通信工程专业设计终稿 键盘鼠标识别器的设计毕设论文

毕业设计说明书(论文) 作 者: 学 号: 0906220242 学 院: 信息工程学院 专 业: 通信工程 题 目: PS/2键盘鼠标识别器的设计 指导者: 副教授 (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 评阅者: (姓 名) (专业技术职务) 2013 年 6 月 吉 林 毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要 键盘是嵌入式系统的最重要的输入设备之一,是实现人机交互的重要途径,设计者除了可以自行设计扫描式矩阵键盘之外,还可以选择标准PS/2键盘实现人机交互。标准PS/2键盘由于接口通信协议简单,在系统中占用软硬件资源少,高可靠性,表达信息量大而得到了越来越广泛的应用。PS/2接口作为传统的鼠标键盘接口已经被大部分人所熟知,虽然随着USB接口键鼠的普及,绝大多数PC用户均选择了USB的键鼠,但目前主流PC中依旧保留了PS/2键鼠的接口,由于PS/2接口实现简单,使用方便的特点,在许多领域如工控机等仍旧采用PS/2接口来完成基本的人机交互。 本文分析了当前市场上主流PS/2键盘鼠标的工作协议,阐述了PS/2接口键盘识别器的工作原理。 关键词 嵌入式系统 PS/2键盘鼠标 矩阵键盘 通信协议 毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要 Title PS2 keyboard mouse recognizer Abstract Keyboard is one of the most important input device of the embedded system, is the important way to realize the human-computer interaction, the designers in addition to the design matrix keyboard scanning, you can also select the standard PS/2 keyboard to realize human-computer interaction. Standard PS/2 keyboard because of its simple interface communication protocol, software and hardware resources occupancy in the system, high reliability, express information and has been more and more widely used. PS/2 interface as a traditional mouse and keyboard interface has been known by most people, although with the popularity of USB keyboard, the vast majority of PC users are chose a USB keyboard, but still keeps the current mainstream PC PS/2 keyboard interface, because of the PS/2 interface implementation is simple, easy to use, in many fields such as industrial PC, still use the PS/2 interface to complete basic human-computer interaction. This paper analyzes the current mainstream on the market a PS/2 keyboard mouse work agreement, expounds the working principle of PS/2 keyboard interface iden



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