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郑州成功财经学院本科生毕业论文 我国上市公司股权结构对公司治理的研究 系部名称 会计电算化 姓  名 学  号 210114200063 专  业 指导教师 2016年月日 摘要 上市公司的公司治理问题历来颇受学术界和实务界学者、专家的广泛关注,特别是安然事件以后,各国都根据自身的实际情况,对公司治理问题进行了更为深刻的探索与实践,并取得很大收获。我国的上市公司,是在国有企业改革的浪潮中实现股份制的,这种改组改制,客观上促进了公司的自我完善和发展,但是由于相关的法律法规不健全,改革中的一系列问题也直接反映在我国公司治理的过程中。我国上市公司在公司治理过程中,普遍存在国有股“一股独大”、所有者缺位、上市公司信息披露透明度低、内部人控制现象严重等问题,严重影响了公司治理的绩效。这些重大问题出现的根本原因是我国上市公司股权结构不合理,并且,所有者、经营者和公司之间缺乏有效的监督机制。本文回顾了公司治理的发展历史,分析了我国上市公司股权结构的现状,并提出了上市公司以再融资的方式优化股权结构,以电子工作网站为所有者、经营者和公司之间搭建互相监督的平台以推动独立董事制度的顺利实施,进而提高公司治理绩效的观点。 关键词:公司治理;股权结构;融资方式;独立董事 ABSTRACT For the problem of the listed company management is widely concerned by the experts and scholars of academic circles and real business circles, and after the affairs of Enron, all countries ,according to the actual circumstance of themselves, have carried on the deeper quest and practice aiming at the problem of the company management, and obtained to harvest very greatly. In the situation of domestic company reform, our companies have carried out the system of a share, which is propitious to them. But because of the vacant regulation, the problems in the reform have affected the process of company management. In the process of Chinese listed company, most serious problems ,such as state-owned stock “alone big”, the owner vacancy, to be listed information disclosed the transparency low, the phenomenon of internal person ,are widespread, which affected the achievement of company management. The reason why those problems exist is that our ownership of a share structure is out of good order, and there is not a valid mechanism to supervise among the proprietor, executive and the company. The author of this article reviews the development history of company management, and analyses ownership of a share structure of Chinese listed company. At the same time, she emphasizes that listed companies should take margin in advantage in order to improve the ownership of a share structure, and with the pur



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