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先进控制在催化裂化装置上的设计与实现 摘 要 催化裂化装置是炼油和石油化工生产过程的关键装置,在炼油生产链中起重要作用,其运行状况影响全厂的生产及经济效益,因此对于研究如何提高装置的平稳性运行、节能降耗并最终实现提高装置经济效益意义重大。本文针对某石化公司重油催化裂化装置现有DCS及设备的实际情况创新的采用将国内外先进控制与实时优化技术相结合的设计方案,开发了一套先进控制与实时优化系统。 先进控制与实时优化系统由软测量系统与在线校正部分、反应再生先进控制与实时优化系统、主分馏先进控制系统和吸收稳定先进控制系统构成。采用北京利华益科技有限公司开发的PACROS软件主要用来实现数据采集、软测量计算、以及实时优化系统的实现,先进控制器部分应用Honeywell公司RMPCT鲁棒多变量预估控制器。投用效果表明自先进控制上线投用以来,实现了催化裂化装置的平稳控制,减轻了操作员的劳动强度,改善了产品质量并最终实现提高经济效益的项目总目标。 关键词:催化裂化 先进过程控制技术 集散控制系统 软测量 ABSTRACT The fluid catalytic cracking unit (FCCU) is the key device of oil refining and petrochemical production process and it plays an important role in the oil refining production chain. Its operation conditions affect the whole production and economic benefit. Therefore, it has a significant meaning on how to improve smoothness,save energy, reduce consumption and improve economic benefit of FCCU .In this paper an APC (Advanced Process Control)system is developed ,it creatively adopts designing scheme by combing domestic as well as foreign advanced control and the optimal technology realization according to the existing DCS and real conditions of device. APCRTOS (Real-time optimization system)is composed of four parts.which are soft-sensor systemcorrelation system, Reaction-Regeneration APCRTOS.Main-Fraction APC and AbsorberStabilization APC.PACROS softwares mainly aims at realizing data acquisition, soft measurement calculation, and real-time optimization, which are produced by Beijing Lihuayi Sci-Tech co., LTD.RMPCT multivariable predictive controller of Honeywell company is used as advanced controller part.Since the online operation of advanced control stable control of FCCU are realized, the operator labor intensity is reduced, the quality of product is improved,as well as the total goal increasing economic benefit of the project are realized according to the analysis of the revamping effect in FCCU. The result shows that since the advanced control line has been put into use, stable control of



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