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2015届毕业设计说明书 新洲三区教职工公寓建筑结构设计 院 、 部: 建筑工程与艺术设计学院 学生姓名: 张尚静 指导教师: 曾应祝 职称 工程师 专 业: 土木工程 班 级: 土木1103 完成时间: 2015年5月20日 摘 要 本次毕业设计的课题为“新洲三区教职工公寓建筑结构设计”。这次毕业设计,对我们是挑战,但也是一次提高自己,考验自己的机会,我们可以通过大学四年学的知识完成好这次设计。在设计过程中我们应该严格按照规范进行,不能随心所欲。此次设计的是两栋五层住宅楼,包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分 建筑设计部分:设计内容有总平面图,各层平面图,立面图,剖面图,基础设计平面图。公寓的主要居住主体为双职工教师及家属,三室两厅的户型,总共有四十八户,每层含有活动室。本建筑的主要特点为活动空间大,满足用户的基本活动空间,户型面积不大,比较经济;建筑交通联系较合理;房间布局合理,主次分明,居住环境舒适。 结构设计部分:设计内容有框架配筋图,板配筋图,计算书部分,基础设计大样图。结构类型为框架结构,取其中的一榀框架出来计算,板配筋计算取三块代表性的板,考虑恒载、活载和风载作用下的内力计算,对于恒载的作用和活载的作用采用二次分配法计算,风荷载的作用采用D值法。做细建筑部分,为结构设计带来方便,把规范和所学专业知识合理运用,就能很好的完成毕业设计 关键词:结构计算;内力计算;建筑设计 ABSTRACT This graduation project’s topic is on - structural design of a teacher’s apartment building for the Xin Zhou’s third district. This graduation design is not only a challenge for us, but also it is a chance for us to improve and test myself. The design has two five-storey teachers’ apartments. It has two parts, including architectural design and structure design. Architectural design: the design content of the total floor plan, each layer plan, elevation, section and basic design plan. The main living subject are teachers and their families in the apartments. They are three rooms two hall door model, they have a total of 48 households, and each layer has an activity room. The main features of the architecture have enough space for activities. It can meet the users basic activity space. Although its square is small, its price is economic comparison. The links is reasonable between building and transport and the room layout is reasonable in prioritize and the living environment is comfortable. Structural design: design content frame reinforcement drawing, plate reinforcement drawing, calculation part and basic design drawing. The structure type is the frame structure. We choose a framework to calculate. And we choose three representative plate from plate



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