
学生学籍管理系统 大学论文.doc

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学生学籍管理系统 大学论文

毕 业 论 文 题 目: 学籍管理系统的设计与实现 学 院: 计算机科学与工程学院 专 业: 计算机科学与技术(师范类)民 学生姓名: 马小龙 学 号: 201271030130 指导教师: 王俐 摘要 随着高校规模的不断扩大,学生数量急剧增加,有关学生的各种信息量也成倍增长,庞大学生信息的管理工作成了高校教学管理工作中的一项重要任务,一方面,假如遵从以往旧式的工作方式,该工作的工作量大,管理繁琐,既耗人力,又耗物力因此开发一套对学生进行管理的软件是极其重要的,而且是必需的 Abstract With the development of academic schools constantly enlarging their size and increasing the number of their students,various information about students is doubly increased.There is so much information that teaching managment becomes more and more important a task.For one thing,if we follow the old work style as before,the work would have great capacity,and will also be a great waste of manpower and material;for another thing, with the development and application of computer science and technology,such trivial work could be complete done by computer.Thats to say, it is of great importance to explore a suitable software. With the help of this software , it will reduce error and will also improve efficiency,whats more,modernization 、systematism and standardization in teaching managment will come true . As the reasons refered above , I analyzed the fact students choose courses and administrator arrange courses in our university in detail , Under windows XP operation system designed this software to manage students information .It is designed by design tool PowerDesigner8.0 and database server machine SQL Server,other PowerBuder9.0 as my development tool.This student information management system is base on C/S structure.With the help of this software , you can modify or inquire students information , and it also can be used to arranging courses or organizing students . The system has implement an entire progress of choosing courses and arranging courses.with the concise operation


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