
压盖级进模设计及模具设计 大学论文.doc

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压盖级进模设计及模具设计 大学论文

摘要 本次设计的主要内容是压盖的排样方案及模具设计,原排样方案为多工位级进模的纵向单排,因为纵向单排排样时材料会造成大量的浪费,为了增大材料的利用率,本文主要设计了倾斜双排排样方案和倾斜三排排样方案并与纵向单排排样方案的比较,比较得出,纵向单排排列模具最简单,材料轻易加工,但其材料利用率为51%,快要一半的材料华侈掉了,很是的不合理,材料容易加工,但其材料利用率为51%,将近一半的材料浪费掉了,非常的不合理。纵向双排排样模具结构虽然复杂,但其材料利用率达到了76%,材料得到了比较充分的利用,而且制件速度提高了纵向单排排列的二倍,非常适用该厂的现有条件。倾斜三排排列的材料利用率约为78%,其模具结构复杂,模具体积庞大,虽然其利用率是三种排样方案中最大的,但该厂其对冲制设备的要求不能达到标准要求。通过以上三种排样方案的比较,从模具的复杂程度,材料的利用率及原企业的设备条件状况等多方面考虑,选用倾斜双排排列的方案最为合理,不仅符合该厂现有的设备要求,而且材料利用率大大提高,生产成本降低了。 关键字:材料利用率;多工位级进模;倾斜排列 Abstract The main content of this design is the layout plan of the gland, the original layout scheme for multiple work position progressive die of vertical single row, due to the vertical single volleys of sample material will cause a lot of waste, in order to improve the utilization rate of materials, this paper designed the tilt double lining sample solutions and three volleys of sample tilt and compared with the vertical single volleys of sample solution, is concluded, the simplest, vertical in-line arrangement mould materials to processing, but the material utilization rate is 51%, nearly half of the waste material, very unreasonable. Vertical double lining sample mould structure complex, but its material utilization rate reached 76%, materials got more fully utilized, and raised longitudinal stamping speed single permutation twice, very applicable to the plants existing conditions. Tilting three arrange the material utilization of about 78%, its mold structure is complex, the mould bulky, although its utilization is the biggest of the three kinds of layout scheme, but the plant its claim to hedge system equipment can not meet the standard requirements. Through the above three kinds of layout scheme comparison, from the complexity of the mould, the utilization rate of material and the conditions of equipment and other aspects to consider, select tilt double row arrangement scheme is the most reasonable, not only c



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