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Hefei University 本科毕业设计(论文) BACHELOR DISSERTATION 论文题目:压形、弯爪复合工艺与模具设计 学科专业: 材料成型及控制工程 作者姓名: 导师姓名: 完成时间: 2012.5.25 压形、弯爪复合工艺与模具设计 摘 要 冲压模具在实际工业生产中应用广泛。冲模是完成冲压成形工作不可缺少的工艺装备。本次模具设计主要是弯曲模具工艺设计,弯曲是将金属坯料沿弯曲线弯成具有一定角度和形状的成形工艺方法。在这次设计中,我设计的是压形、弯爪复合模具,主要进行了弯曲件的工艺分析,并绘制UG三维工件图;弯曲件坯料展开尺寸的计算,弯曲力的计算与压力机的选用;弯曲模工作部分尺寸的计算,其中包括:凸凹模的外形尺寸确定,凸凹模的结构和固定形式;还对弯曲件的回弹以及回弹因素进行了分析,减小回弹的一些措施的应用;最后查阅相关资料,对模具的定位零件,卸料零件,固定和紧固零件,导向零件的设计;一些材料的热处理,一些的零件的材料选择;本次设计在指导老师的帮助下,顺利完成了,从设定零件的工艺方案,比较工艺方案并确定工艺方案。计算毛坯的尺寸,计算各个工序的工作压力,设计并绘出模具简图,选取各个合适的零件。在模具简图的基础上进行模具结构工艺性分析,进行模具结构设计并选择冲压设备。我们都做出了努力,这也是我们准备工作前的一次重要经验。 关键词:模具设计;工艺方案;结构设计;弯曲工艺 Pressure form, bending claw the compound technology and die design ABSTRACT ?unching die has been widely used in industrial. more Self-acting feed technology of punching die is also used in production, punching die could increase the efficience of production and could alleviate the work burden,so it has significant meaning in technologic progress and economic value. In this design, first we use the 3D sculpt function of UG to create 3D model of the part. During the procedure, the workpiece’s craftwork character is analyzed ,the workpiece’s 2-D drawing and 3-D mold are made, so that the workpiece can be better comprehended. Learn the structural craftwork character of the workpiece, so does the drawing and forming craftwork character. Make sure the workpiece’s craft project, compare them and make the final disicion. Calculate the size of the roughcast and select its shape. Calculate the times of the drawings , make sure the size of the semi-manufactured workpiece of every steps, and draw the working procedure’s sketch. Calculate the every working pressure, design and draw die’s sketch, select every appropriate parts. Comprehend every needed dies’ character and the issues that is needed to be payed more attention. On the


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