
医药品储备应急物流研究 大学论文.doc

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医药品储备应急物流研究 大学论文

郑州航空工业管理学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 2014 届 物流工程 专业 1005053 班 题 目 医药品储备应急物流研究 内 容 提 要 由于近几年来我国国内大规模突发事件的接连发生,给人民群众带来了巨大的经济上的、精神上的损失。对此,国家在作为民族凝聚力的代表在近几次突发事件中发挥着至关重要的作用,包括各方面救灾物资的生产、供给、运送及调配,这些管理工作是整个救援过程的骨架。在这类特殊的突发事件中,人民群众的生命固然重要,而维系人民群众人身安全的医药品储备物流则是人民群众人身安全利益的重要保障。本文通过对医药品应急物流基本概念的基本认识,使人们更清楚的认识到医药品储备应急物流的重要性;通过对应急物流的特殊性描述,为人们采取具体的应对措施提供了前提;通过同国外应急物流的发展对比中,借鉴了外国发达国家在此领域的优势,对我国医药品储备应急物流发展进行问题分析并提出几点建议。 关键词 医药品储备;应急物流;特殊性;突发事件 Pharmaceutical reserve emergency logistics research Abstract Because of the domestic large scale incident occurring successively in our country recent years, which brought huge economic and spiritual loss to the people.Therefore, the country plays a vital role, as the representative of national cohesion in recent events,Including all aspects of relief supplies production, supply, delivery and deployment, and these jobs of management are the skeleton of the rescue process.In this type of special events, the peoples life is important, and the pharmaceuticals reserve logistics which ensuring the peoples personal safety is an important guarantee of the interests of the peoples personal safety.This article make people more clearly aware of the importance of pharmaceuticals reserve emergency logistics according to the basic understanding of the concept of emergency logistics pharmaceuticals, Providing people promise for taking specific measures through the description of the particularity of emergency logistics.We can analyze the development of our country’s Pharmaceutical emergency logistics and provide several advices according to the contrast between the foreign and nation and taking example by the advantages of foreign countries in this field. Key words Pharmaceutical reserve; emergency logistics; particularity; emergency 目 录 一、引言 1 二、医药品的储备应急物流基本认识 2 2.1应急物流的概念 2 2.2应急物流的特殊性分析 2 三、医药品的储备原则 5 四、国外应急药品研究 7 4.1国外主要国家应急药品体系 7 4.2国外应急药品供应模式总结 8 五、我国应急药品体系及问题分析 11 5.1我国应急药品体系 11 5.1.1我国药品储备制度及相关规定 11 5.1.2我国应急药品体系的储备形式 13 5.1.3我国应



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