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学号: 毕业设计(论文) 题目: 作 者 届 别 届 院 别 土木工程建筑学院 专 业 土木工程 指导老师 职 称 讲 师 完成时间 摘要 ,为实腹式混凝土拱桥,拱圈采用小石子混凝土砌筑片石。桥长32米,跨径18.5米拱圈采用等截面无铰拱,矢跨比0.16,净跨径18.5米,矢高2.9米,拱圈厚0.4米,全宽4.6米,行车道宽4.1米。由于使用年代久远,该桥建成时间不详,大约在二十世纪七八十年代。本次毕业设计为平江县三墩乡双江口桥施工图设计。 本次设计中,桥梁上部结构的计算着重分析了桥梁在使用过程中恒载以及活载的作用,采用整体的体积以及自重系数,荷载集度进行恒载计算。运用杠杆原理法、偏心压力法求出活载横向分布系数,并运用最大荷载法进行加载。以可靠度理论为基础的概率极限状态设计法对恒载和活载进行内力组合,确定其承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态。由构件承载能力极限状态要求确定非预应力钢筋数量和预应力钢筋,并估算了各种预应力损失。持久状况截面承载能力极限计算和应力验算。表明平江县三墩乡双江口桥设计合理、符合规范要求。 关键词:预应力混凝土简支T梁桥;方案比选;内力组合;预应力 Abstract The graduation design for Pingjiang county and Xiang Shuang Jiang three pier bridge construction design. Shuangjiangkou bridge is located at three pier township of Pingjiang County, to the solid type concrete arch bridge, arch with small stone concrete rubble masonry. Bridge 32 meters long, span 18.5 meters arch uses the constant section hingeless arch rise span ratio is 0.16, net span 18.5 meters, vector 2.9 meters high arch ring of thick 0.4 meters, 4.6 meters wide, lane width 4.1 meters. Due to the use of a long time, the bridge built time is unknown, about seventy or eighty years in twentieth Century. The design, calculation of bridge upper structure focuses on the analysis of the bridge in the use process of constant load and live load effect, the overall volume and weight coefficient of load collection degree of constant load calculation. Using the lever principle method, eccentric pressure method for transversedistribution coefficient living load, and use the maximum load method for loading. Based on the reliability theory, the internal force combination of dead load and live load is determined by the probability limit state design method, and its load limit state and normal limit state are determined.. By the limit state of the bearing capacity of the member, the number and the prestress of the non prestressing tend


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