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摘 要
Drive axle assembly of a vehicle one of the four, it directly affects the performance of vehicle performance, and is particularly important for the truck. When using large high-power engine output torque to meet the current trucks fast, efficient, cost-effective and necessary, must be with an efficient, reliable drive axle.
The design task is to design a light-laden truck used after the drive axle, drive axle design on the main gear box, differential for the type of analysis, selection, calculation and checking. Based on the maximum torque, the rolling radius and other important parameters, select the maximum and minimum transmission ratio. Combination of automotive design, automotive theory, mechanical design, mechanical principles of such knowledge, complete the relevant calculation and check, draw assembly drawings and part drawings.
In the drive axle assembly design, with reference to some of the relevant national standards, taking into account the assembly and coordination between other cars, and strive to achieve to meet automotive requirements, while reducing the weight of its own, in order to reduce manufacturing costs. Drive axle design of parts, need to select a variety of parameters, parameter selection is based on specific conditions, some parameters can not find the tree must be the appropriate choice according to specific conditions to, and some parameters can not find in the book, the corresponding basis, so the books must be access to relevant tools and information to ensure tha
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