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毕业设计(论文) 桩基施工三维可视化管理系统 学生姓名:周万俏 指导教师: 专业名称: 哈尔滨工程大学成人教育学院 2011年7月 桩基施工三维可视化管理系统 摘 要:随着地理信息系统的深入研究和广泛应用,初步建立了可视化的桩基工程管理系统。针对桩基施工过程, 结合工程地质勘察,建立地层三维地质模型,在桩基施工过程中,对每根桩所穿过的地层和进入持力层厚度进行可视化的信息查询、管理,以保证桩基施工质量。系统利用Microsoft Accese作为开发工具,初步建立了数据库、数据表和数据源,通过ODBC和ADOBC控件引用数据源,利用VC++6.0控件引用数据源,绑定数据库表中的相应数据记录, 初步建立了可视化的桩基工程数据管理系统, 能够进行数据的增加、删除、修改以及记录查询与数值计算, 该系统界面友好、不同界面可以简便切换并包含不同用户所需数据。文中给出了实现所有这些功能的具体过程和主要方法, 同时, 本文制作了程序发布版与对应帮助文件, 可以方便在其他计算机安装和使用。 关键词: 桩基工程,三维地层,地质模型,三维可视化,数据库,VC++程序设计 Pile Foundation Construction visualization management system Abstract:With the GIS-depth study and widespread application, the initial establishment of the foundations of visual management system. For the foundation construction process, combined with engineering geological investigation, the establishment of three-dimensional geological model of formation, in the foundation construction process, worn by each pile into the bearing strata and the thickness of the visual information search, management, to ensure the quality of foundation construction. Based on three-dimensional visualization technique to study the geological model to establish the method to achieve a pile of three-dimensional visualization and management, and construction with engineering database management system for three-dimensional visualization for construction management decisions. System uses Microsoft Accese as a development tool, the initial establishment of the database, data table and data source, ODBC and ADOBC by reference to the data source controls, using VC + +6.0 reference data source control, bind the corresponding database table data records, the initial establishment the foundations of visual data management system for data to add, delete, modify, and query and numerical records, the system user-friendly, easy to switch to different interfaces and contains the required data of different users. The paper gives a concrete realization of all these functions and the main



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