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抽象和具体译法 抽象译法 把原文中带有具体意思或具体形象的单词、词组、成语或句子进行抽象化处理的翻译方法称为抽象译法。 一、单词、词组的抽象译法 1. 暴力事件 2. 混乱状态 3. 个人主义 4. 发展活动 5. 准确性 6. 深度 7. 吹毛求疵的做法 8. 徇私作风 9. 崇高气质 10.过敏反应 violence chaos individualism development accuracy depth fault-finding favoritism loftiness allergy 一、单词、词组的抽象译法 11. 傲慢态度 12. 嫉妒心理 13. 冷漠态度 14. 解决方法 15. 工业化 16. 社会主义 17. 安全性 18. 隔离政策 19. 轻松愉快的心情 20. 不公正的现象 arrogance jealousy indifference solution industrialization socialism safety segregation light-heartedness injustice 二、成语或习语的抽象译法 粗枝大叶 海阔天空 灯红酒绿 纸醉金迷 单枪匹马 赤胆忠心 1. with big branches and large leaves 2. to be crude and careless 1. with a vast sea and a boundless sky 2. (to talk) at random 1. with red lights and green wine 2.dissipated and luxurious 1. with drunken paper and bewitched gold 2. (of life) of luxury and dissipation 1. with a solitary spear and a single horse 2. to be single-handed in doing sth. 1. with red gut and heart 2. ardent loyalty 三、抽象译法具体实例 1. 不尝黄连苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。 [译文1] Who has never tasted Chinese goldthread which is bitter will never know honey is sweet. [译文2] Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet. 三、抽象译法具体实例 2. 他等着她来,急得像热锅上的蚂蚁。 [译文1] He waited for her arrival like an ant on the hot pan. [译文2] He waited for her arrival with a frenzied agitation. 三、抽象译法具体实例 3. 那位小伙子可真是喝了大胆汤。 That young man has great courage, indeed. 4. 这是他们夫妻间的事,你插一脚干嘛? That’s business of their own, between husband and wife. Why should you get involved in it? 三、抽象译法具体实例 5. 别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道得这么全,你可真是个顺风耳啊! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. 6. 这消息让我惊出了一身冷汗。 I was extremely terrified by the news. 三、抽象译法具体实例 7. 这些问题盘根错节,三言两语说不清楚。 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words. 8. 今天下午的足球赛,棋逢对手,一定很精彩。 The football game this afternoon is sure to be an exciting one, for the two sides are well-matched. 练习: 1.他万万没想到,前进的路上会出现这么多的拦路虎! 2. 敌军闹得全村鸡犬不宁。 3. 听到那个消息他被吓得目瞪口呆。 4. 我对你很有意见。 5.母亲拉着纺车把他拉扯大,真是要星星不给月亮。 练习: 6.他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又是惊人地好,我们


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