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新型硫酸锂复合早强剂对煤矿封孔水泥早强效果的影响研究吴海龙1,2,刘健1,2,吉小利3,郭林杰1,2,娄亚北1,2(1.安徽理工大学,能源与安全学院,安徽淮南 232001;2.安徽理工大学煤炭高效开采省部共建教育部重点实验室,安徽淮南 232001;3.安徽理工大学,化学工程学院,安徽淮南 232001)摘要:为缩短煤矿封孔注浆材料的候凝时间,以煤矿注浆封孔硅酸盐水泥为研究对象,在Li2SO4单掺早强效果研究的基础上,将锂盐与有机物进行复配。通过正交实验考察了高湿环境中不同组成和配比下,Li2SO4复合早强剂对于封孔水泥早强效果的影响。结果表明,Li2SO4与聚羧酸和三乙醇胺复配新拌混凝土后流动性良好,当该复配早强剂的组成为硫酸锂 1.0%,聚羧酸0.3%,三乙醇胺0.03%,掺量为胶体总质量的1.49%时,可使注浆封孔水泥早期强度提高最为显著,1d抗压强度提高到556%,3d抗压强度提高到157%。关键字:煤矿封孔水泥;复合早强剂;协同效应;抗压强度Lithium sulfate and organicscomposite-agentseffect onthe early strength performance ofhole sealing cementused in coal mineWU Hai-long1,2, LIU Jian1,2, JI Xiao-li3, GUO Lin-jie1,2,LOU Ya-bei1,2(1.School of energy and safety, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan Anhui 232001 China;2.Key Laboratory of Mine Safety and High Efficient Mining Jointly built by Province and Education Ministry, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan Anhui 232001,China ;3.Schoolof Chemical Engineering, Anhui university of science and technology, Huainan Anhui 232001 China)Abstract:In order to shorten the setting time of hole sealingcement used in coal mine, the preliminary study showed that theearly strength of hole sealing cementwas increased when lithium sulfate was solelyadded to it.On bases of this, lithium sulfate and organics were composited to play the synergistic effect andadded to hole sealing cementin high humidity surroundings. Theeffectof different componentsand additive amountsof composite-agents on the early strength performance of hole sealing cement was studiedthrough orthogonal experiments. The results showed thatthe fresh concrete have good liquidityin thepresence ofcomposite-agents. Whenthe additive amount of composite-agents was 1.49% of the totalmassof hole sealingmaterials, and its components was 1.0%lithium sulfate, 0.03% polycarboxylate and 0.3% triethanolamine(with cement as the denominator),the early strength performance of hole sealing cement was improved the most significant, the 1d compressive strength was increa


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