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第一章 发动机的工作原理和总体构造 内燃机的工作原理与总体构造 Operation and Basic Systems 主要内容 Contents 发动机的定义及分类 Definition Classifications 四冲程发动机及二冲程发动机的工作原理 Operation 发动机的基本工作系统 Basic Systems 发动机的产品名称和型号编制规则 Product Names and Type Establishment Rules 有关概念和排量的计算 Terminology Concept 1.1 Introduction The internal combustion (IC) engine is a heat engine that converts chemical energy in a fuel into mechanical energy, usually made available on a rotating output shaft. 内燃机是将热能(来自于燃料化学能)转变为机械能的一种热机。 Versus steam engines and gas turbine engines are external combustion engines (i.e.,combustion takes place outside the mechanical engine system) 外燃机 1.1 发动机的定义 发动机 将某一种形式的能量转化为机械能的机器。 热机(热能 机械能 ) 1.2 Historical Background For centuries, man walked or used animals for transportation. After the invention of mechanical propulsion systems, people used self- propelled vehicles, which move under their own power. 1.2 Early History 2 techno-logical occurrences during latter half of the 1800s stimulated the emergence of the ICE In 1859, the discovery of crude oil in Pennsylvania The pneumatic rubber tire first marketed by John B. Dunlop in 1888. 1912 Electric starter invented by Charles F. Kettering. First used on a Cadillac, the starter was produced by Dayton Electric Laboratories Company 1.2 Early History The steam engine working principle 内燃机发展简史 内燃机是在蒸汽机的基础上发明创制的: 1700年,英国人钮卡姆制成了直立汽缸,密封式活塞、缸内喷水冷却的蒸汽机;后由瓦特改良; 1814——1829年,英国人史蒂芬森制成蒸汽机车,建成世界上第一段铁路; 1860年,法国人勒纳(lenoir)仿蒸汽机制成世界上第一台商用煤气机( ? =4%); 内燃机发展简史 内燃机是在蒸汽机的基础上发明创制的: 1876年,德国人奥托制成四冲程火花点火内燃机(?=16%); 1883年,英国人司派尔仿奥托四冲程煤气机创制汽油机; 1886年,德国人奔茨制成用汽油机做动力的汽车; 1892年,德国人狄塞尔创制柴油机成功,1898年,柴油机作为商品出售,热效率为29%。 1.3 Engine Operation Four-Stroke SI Engine Cycle 1.3 Engine Operation 1.3 Engine Operation 1、Piston-Engine Construction Pistons move up and down (or back and forth) in cylinders Reciprocating motion is changed to rotary motion by connecting rod and a crankpin on the crankshaft 2、Operation A piston stroke is the movement


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