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第 24卷第 8期 中国有色金属学报 2014年 8月 Volume 24 Number 8 The Chinese Journal of Nonferrous Metals August 2014 文章编号:1004-0609(2014)08-2188-07 基于 ANSYS 的履带式永磁磁选机磁场模拟 卢东方,王毓华,何平波,孙 伟,胡岳华 (中南大学 资源加工与生物工程学院,长沙 410083) 摘 要:利用 ANSYS软件中的电磁场分析模块,分别采用 plane13和 plane53磁结构单元对履带式永磁磁选机的 平面 N?S交替排列磁系进行模型构建和网格划分,对磁系的磁场特征进行仿真和分析,并通过理论公式计算分析 两种磁结构单元的仿真误差。结果表明:磁场仿真时,靠近磁极表面处磁感应强度误差较小,随着距磁极表面距 离的增大,磁感强度的误差逐渐增大。plane53磁单元的磁场仿真结果较 plane13的更加准确,磁极表面的磁感强 度与理论计算的相对误差为 2.08%;在距离磁极表面 0.5cm以内,磁感强度的相对误差平均为 6.72%,其误差范 围可以满足履带式永磁磁选机设计的要求,因此,可以采用 ANSYS 电磁场分析模块中的 plane53 磁结构单元进 行履带式永磁磁选机磁系设计。 关键词:永磁磁选机;磁系;ANSYS软件;模拟;相对误差 中图分类号:TD923 文献标志码:A Simulation of magnetic field on tracked permanent magnetic separator based on ANSYS LU Dong-fang, WANG Yu-hua, HE Ping-bo, SUN Wei, HU Yue-hua (School of Minerals Processing and Bioengineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) Abstract: By the electromagnetic field analysis module in ANSYS software, the plane13 and plane53 magnetic structure units were, respectively, used to build model and generate mesh on the planar N?S arranged alternatively magnetic system of tracked permanent magnetic separator, the magnetic field distribution of the magnetic system was simulated. Then, the simulation errors of plane13 and plane53 were calculated through theoretical formula. The results indicate that the simulation error is small near the magnetic pole surface, and increases with the increase of distance to magnetic pole surface. The magnetic intensity simulation result of plane53 is more accurate than that of plane13. Comparing simulation results with the theory results, the relative error on magnetic pole surface is only 2.08% using plane53, and the average relative error is 6.72% within 0.5 cm of magnetic pole surface. Obviously, this error band can meet the demand of the tracked permanent magnetic separator design, so,



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