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基于 EEMD 样本熵和 GK 模糊聚类的机械故障识别 王书涛   李   亮   张淑清   孙国秀 燕山大学河北省测试计量技术及仪器重点实验室,秦皇岛, 066004 摘要:针对目前各种机械故障诊断方法的局限性,提出了基于总体平均经验模式分解( EEMD )样本 熵和 GK 模糊聚类的故障特征提取和分类方法,建立了一种机械故障准确识别的有效途径。首先,对机 械振动信号进行 EEMD 分解,得到若干不同时间尺度的固有模态函数( IMF )分量。其次,通过相关性 分析和能量相结合的准则对 IMF 分量进行筛选,并将筛选出的 IMF 分量的样本熵组成故障特征向量。 最后,将构造的特征向量输入到 GK 模糊聚类分类器中进行聚类识别。实验及工程实例证明了该方法 的有效性和优越性。 关键词:总体平均经验模式分解( EEMD );样本熵; GK 模糊聚类;机械故障识别 中图分类号: TH17        DOI : 10.3969 / j .issn.1004-132X.2013.22.011 Mechanical   Fault   Dia g nosis   Method   Based   on   EEMD   Sam p le   Entro py   and   GK   Fuzz y   Clusterin g Wan g   Shutao   Li   Lian g  Zhan g   Shu q in g  Sun   Guoxiu Measurement   Technolo gy   and   Instrumentation   Ke y   Lab   of Hebei   Province , Yanshan   Universit y , Qinhuan g dao , Hebei , 066004 Abstract : Aimin g   at   existin g   limitations   of   the   various   methods   for   mechanical   fault   dia g nosis , a new   method   for   fault   dia g nosis   based   on   EEMD   sam p le   entro py   and   GK   fuzz y   clusterin g   was  p ro - p osed , and   an   efficient  p aths   of   mechanical   fault   reco g nition   was   established   accuratel y .First   of   al , the   mechanical   vibration   si g nals   were   decom p osed   b y   EEMD   into   a   certain   number   of   intrinsic   mode functions ( IMFs ) with   different   time   scales.Secondl y , IMF   com p onents   were   chosen   b y   the   combined criteria   of   mutual   correlation   coefficient   and   ener gy   anal y sis , and   the   sam p le   entro p ies   of   each   IMF com p onent   com p osed   fault   ei g envectors.At   last , the   constructed   ei g envectors   were  p ut   into   the   GK fuzz y   clusterin g   classifier   to   reco g nize   different   fault   t yp es.The   ex p erimental   and   en g ineerin g   test demonstrate   the   efficienc y   and   su p eriorit y   of   this   method. Ke y   words : ensemble   em p irical   mode   of   decom p osition ( EEMD ); sam p le   entro py ; GK-fuzz y


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