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目录Contents 第一章概述 Chapter 1 General 1. 主要内容Main contents 2. 适用范围Application 3. 引用标准Refer standards 第二章技术内容 Chapter 2 technology 1. 设备的配套Check item before installation 2. 设备安装的基本工艺要求General requirement for equipment installation 3. 各类电气设备安装的具体规定Detail requirement for followed units 3.1电机Electric motor 3.2主配电板和应急配电板MSB ESB 3.3控制设备及分配电设备Control panel distribution box 3.4蓄电池Battery 3.5舱室照明灯具Cabinet lighting fixtures 3.6照明附具Lighting appurtenance 3.7日用电器Fan heater 3.8船内通讯,信号设备Internal communication equipment 4. 设备安装前的准备工作Preparation before installation 5. 设备安装的基本形式Basic form 6. 设备及电缆的接地Earthing of equipment cable 7. 设备的进线Cable entrance 8. 设备的接线Wire connection 第三章闭杯闪点小于60 ℃的油船电气设备安装工艺 Cheaper 3 Additional technology for equipment installation on oil tanker which the flash point less than 60 ℃ 1. 一般要求general 2. 危险区域或处所的化分及其电气设备的安装Dangerous area division equipment installation 3. 扩大危险区域或处所的划分及其电气设备的安装Widen dangerous area division equipment installation 4. 其它处所电气设备及附加要求Additional requirement for other space 5. 防爆电气设备的基本要求Basic requirement for ex-proof equipment 6. 防爆电气设备的安装Installation requirement of ex-proof equipment 第一章 概述Chapter 1 General 1. 主要内容Main contents 本工艺对入级钢质船舶的: 1. 电气设备的安装提出了安装工艺、接地、进出线等的具体要求和规定。以确保安装质量。 2.闭杯闪点<60℃的油船的电气设备施工工艺也作了规定。 This technology ruled followed items for classed steel vessels: 1. detail requirement for equipment installation, earthing, cable entrance and wire connection 2. special technology for equipment installation, on oil tanker that the flash point less than 60℃ 2. 适用范围Application 用于我厂入级钢质船舶(包括闭杯闪点>60℃的油船)的电气施工。 其它特种船舶或船东提出的其它特殊工艺要求,应另编专用工艺文件,作为补充规定。 For electric construction of classed steel ships (included oil tanker that the flash point more than 60℃) The special technology will been edited as additional standard, if for other special vessels or for special requirement bring forward by ship owner 3. 引用标准reference standards 1. 中国船级社《钢质海船入级建造规范》(1996)4分册 CCS《 Rules for Classification


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