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Unit 2 What should I do? Ways to Give Advice You should… You could… Why not… Why don’t you… You’d better… + do Section A 1.不让...进入 2.想要某人做某事 3.呆在家里 4.有足够的钱 5.足够的忙 6.和某人争吵 stay at home keep out want sb to do sth busy enough argue with sb have enough money 7.给他写信 8.给某人打电话 9.一张…的票 问题的答案 门上的钥匙 10.需要做某事 write him a letter call sb up a ticket to … the answer to the question the key to the door need to do sth need doing sth 11.有一个主意 12.要求某人做某事 要求某人别做某事 13.给某人买某物 buy sth for sb have an idea ask sb to do sth ask sb not to do sth Section B 1.穿一样的衣服 2.留同样的头发 3.找出,发现 4.受欢迎的 5.邀请某人做某事 6.和我一样的年纪 wear the same clothes have the same haircut find out be popular invite sb to do sth the same age as me 7.与某人相处的好 8.和某人打架或吵架 9.给我一些建议 10.一份兼职工作 11.学会做某事 20.直到…才 get on well with sb have a fight with sb = fight with sb give me some advice a part-time job learn to do sth Reading 1.直到...才... 2.该是...的时间了 3.快速吃早餐 4.尽力做某事 6.和我一样的年纪 not...until... =Its time to do sth. It’s time for… have a quick breakfast =have breakfast quickly try to do sth 5. 一方面…. 另一方面 …. 6. A与B比较 7.各种各样的 8.派遣、安排某人做某事 on the one hand on the other hand compare A with B all kinds of send sb to do sth 1.怎么啦? What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What’s the trouble? 2. maybe may be 用于句首 Maybe you are right. 用于句中 It may be true. 3. leave … 离开… 落下 You left your homework at home. leave for … 动身去某地 4. 花费 sb pay+钱+for sth 某人为某物花了…钱 sb spend … on sth 某人花了…在某事上 I paid 10RMB for this book. sb spend … (in) doing sth某人花了…做… I spent 10RMB on this book. I spent an hour in washing clothes. It takes/took sb +时间 to do sth. 花了某人…时间做某事 sth cost sb +钱 某物花了某人…钱 This book cost me 10RMB. It takes me an hour to go to school. take sb to +地点 把某人带到某地 My father took me to Shanghai yesterday. 7. find it + 形容词+ to do sth 发现做某事… It’s time f


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