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八年级英语上册第4单元测试题及答案 I. 将下列短语译成英语: 1. 坐地铁 _____ ____ ________??? 和……不同? _____ ____________ _______ 3 快速地吃早饭? _______ ___ ________ ____________ / ______ __________ __________ 4. 多久? ______ ___5. 多远? _____ 6. 全世界? ________ _____ ________ 7. 在世界的其他地区 8、北美 _______ _________ 9. 视……而定, 决定于? _________ _____??? 10. 少量的,很少的? ___ ________ ________ ____ 11. 最流行的到校方式? _____ _______ _________ _______ ____ __________ 12. 离开某地去某地 ________ _____??? 13. 骑摩特车 / 马 ______ ____ ____________ / _______ II. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词: ? 1. Beijing is in the n??????? of China. ? 2. Don’t w??????? about me. I’m OK now. ? 3. The bus r??????? usually takes about 5 minutes. ? 4. You cannot d??????? on your parents forever. ? 5. He l???????? for school early every morning.? III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空: ? 1. It’s about twenty ___________ (minute) walk to get there. ? 2. A small number of students ________ (take) the subway every day. ? 3. My bag is ___________ (difference ) from hers. ? 4. How long does it take you ________ (get) to the park? ? 5. Traveling by train is more relaxing than ____. (drive) IV. 选择填空: ? (?? )? 1. They arrive ____ Shanghai ____ a warm afternoon.? A. in, in??????? B. at, in?????? C. in, on?????? D. at, at ? (?? )? 2. That’s going to ____.??? A. fun???????B. more fun??? C. be more fun?? D. be funs ? (?? )? 3. I ____ half an hour ____ English every morning. A. take, to read?? B. take, reading? C. spend, to read?? D. spend, reading ? (?? )? 4. The number of the books in this library ____ almost 2,000,000. ?????????? A. is????????? B. am???????? C. are???????? D. / ? (?? )? 5. —____ does it take him to do the housework?? —For two hours. ?????????? A. How soon??? B. How long??? C. How many??? D. How often ? (?? )? 6. ____ he / He is old, ____ he is in good health. ?????????? A. Although, but?? B. /, then???? C. Although, so?? D. /, but ? (?? )? 7. —____ do you live from the park?? —About twenty miles. ?????????? A. How soon??? B. How much?? C. How far?? D. How long ? (?? )? 8. —How do you usu


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