come to see my uncle.doc

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come to see my uncle

Lesson 2 Come to see my uncles family 王丽萍 教学目的及重难点分析: 1.会说会用这些句子: Who is this ? Who is that? This/That is my dad. His name is… 2.会说会用会写这些单词who uncle aunt cousin 。 3. 复习物主代词my his her 。 4. 学会认读Sam Smith Nancy Smith Billy Smith. 课前准备: 1.准备第10页挂图。 2.教师准备自家的全家福照片。 3.学生准备自家的全家福照片 。 4.教师准备小女孩Ann 的手偶。 5.教师准备who uncle aunt cousin 单词卡片。 教学过程: 1. 热身(Warming up) 展示第10页挂图 ,让学生看图,教师(A)同小女孩Ann(B) 的手偶进行对话引出话题 。 A:Is this your dad? B:Yes. A:What’s his name? B:His name is Bob Smith. A:Who is that? B:He is my uncle. A:What’s his name? B:His name is Sam Smith. A:Is that your Mum? B:No. A:Who is that? B:She is my aunt(示图中的人—婶婶). A:What’s her name? B:Her name is Nancy Smith. A:Who is the boy? B:He is my cousin. (示图中的人—小男孩) His name is Billy. Billy Smith. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation) 句型词汇学习: 1) Who is that? “ Who ” is to ask something about a person. Who 是个疑问代词,问人的身份,‘谁’。学习这个单词时,引导学生学习字母组合wh/ h / 的读音。 我们询问某人的身份时会问:Who is this? Who is that? Who is he? Who is she? Who is the girl? Who is the boy?等。 The answer can be: He is … She is … 2) He is my uncle(指示主图中对应的人). She is my aunt. (指示主图中对应的人) 按音节拼读拼写单词:un-cle uncle 注意单词重音。 在英语中,叔叔,伯伯,舅舅等与父母同辈的男性 都是uncle 如: That is my uncle. He my dad’s brother.爸爸的兄弟 This is my uncle,too. He is my Mum’s brother妈妈的兄弟 . Hello, Uncle Liu.你好,刘叔叔。 老师指着主图中的叔叔问答: --What’s his name? --His name is Sam Smith.他叫山姆。 板书:uncle--- Sam Smith. 老师指着主图中的婶婶问答: Who is that? She is my aunt. 师生一起拍着桌子大声读:aunt aunt aunt 出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: aunt 在英语中,婶婶,姨姨,姑姑等与父母同辈的女性都是aunt 。 如:Mum’s sister is my aunt. Dad’s sister is also my aunt. 再指着主图中的婶婶问答: What’s her name? Her name is Nancy Smith.他叫南希。 板书: aunt--- Nancy Smith. 3)Who is the boy? He is my cousin. 向学生出示词卡,师生一起拼读拼写单词: cou-sin cousin cousin 是堂兄妹 ,children of my uncle and aunt.叔伯家的子女,男孩女孩都叫cousin 。 如: The boy is Billy. Billy is my cousin . The girl is my cousin,too .Her name is Sue. 比利是我的堂兄 ,那女孩是我的堂妹,她叫苏。 3.播放Listen and read部分录音.   听,并跟读这些句子。 4. 巩固活动: 1) Ask and answer in pairs.可让学生看着第10页的挂图两人一组进行问答。 Who i


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