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Comparing mostly-copying and mark-sweep conservative collection
Comparing Mostly-Copying and Mark-Sweep Conservative Collection Frederick Smith yCornell Universityfms@ Greg MorrisettCornell Universityjgm@
AbstractMany high-level language compilers generate C code andthen invoke a C compiler for code generation. To date, mostof these compilers link the resulting code against a conserva-tive mark-sweep garbage collector in order to reclaim unusedmemory. We introduce a new collector, MCC, based on anextension of mostly-copying collection.We analyze the various design decisions made in MCCand provide a performance comparison to the most widelyused conservative mark-sweep collector (the Boehm-Demers-Weiser collector). Our results show that a good mostly-copying collector can outperform a mature highly-optimizedmark-sweep collector when physical memory is large relativeto the live data. A surprising result of our analysis is thatcache behavior can have a greater impact on overall perfor-mance than either collector time or allocation time.1 OverviewFor almost any language, there are a handful of compilersthat generate C [1] as a target language. For instance, Java-to-C compilers include Toba [20], Vortex [11], and Harissa [18];and ML-to-C compilers include Bigloo [22], SML2C [27], andTIL/C [28]1. The developers of these compilers chose C as atarget language to leverage the optimizations of existing Ccompilers and to obtain a relatively portable, easy-to-buildback-end.However, Java, ML, and many other languages requiregarbage collection which C does not directly provide. Be-cause of the diculties of combining C with accurate garbagecollection, all of the systems mentioned above (except SML2C)are designed to work with a conservative garbage collec-tor, and in fact, use the Boehm-Demers-Weiser, mark-sweepThis material is based on work supported in part by the AFOSRgrant F49620-97-1-0013 and ARPA/RADC grant F30602-96-1-0317.Any opinions, ndings, and conclusions or recommendations ex-pressed in this publication are those of the author a
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