Competition between Spiral-Defect Chaos and Rolls in Rayleigh-Benard Convection.pdf

Competition between Spiral-Defect Chaos and Rolls in Rayleigh-Benard Convection.pdf

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Competition between Spiral-Defect Chaos and Rolls in Rayleigh-Benard Convection

a r X i v : p a t t - s o l / 9 7 0 2 0 0 4 v 1 2 1 F e b 1 9 9 7 Accepted as Rapid Comm in PRE Competition between Spiral-Defect Chaos and Rolls in Rayleigh-Be?nard Convection Kapil M. S. Bajaj, David S. Cannell, and Guenter Ahlers Department of Physics and Center for Nonlinear Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA (February 9, 2008) Abstract We present experimental results for pattern formation in Rayleigh-Be?nard convection of a fluid with a Prandtl number σ ? 4. We find that the spiral- defect-chaos (SDC) attractor which exists for σ ? 1 has become unstable. Gradually increasing the temperature difference ?T from below to well above its critical value ?Tc no longer leads to SDC. A sudden jump of ?T from below to above ?Tc causes convection to grow from thermal fluctuations and does yield SDC. However, the SDC is a transient; it coarsens and forms a single cell-filling spiral which then drifts toward the cell wall and disappears. PACS numbers: 47.54.+r,47.20.Lz,47.27.Te Typeset using REVTEX 1 Rayleigh-Be?nard convection (RBC) occurs in a shallow horizontal layer of a fluid heated from below when the temperature difference ?T across the layer exceeds a critical value ?Tc. The velocity fields which form above ?Tc have long been used as an experimental testing ground for theories of pattern formation in nonlinear systems. [1] The phenomena which occur depend upon the Prandtl number σ = ν/κ, the dimensionless ratio of the kinematic viscosity ν to the thermal diffusivity κ. A fascinating recent discovery in RBC is that of spiral-defect chaos (SDC) for σ ? 1. [2] It consists of patches of rotating convection-roll spirals and of other defects, and occurs for ? ≡ ?T/?Tc ? 1 ?s 0. The spirals are coherent structures with a typical diameter of a few roll wavelengths. They can be right- or left-handed, single- or multi-armed, and appear and disappear irregularly in time and space. SDC has since been found in numerical solutions of mo


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