Computer simulation of language competition by physicists.pdf

Computer simulation of language competition by physicists.pdf

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Computer simulation of language competition by physicists

a r X i v : p h y s i c s / 0 6 0 3 2 1 5 v 1 [ p h y s i c s .s o c - p h ] 2 5 M a r 2 0 0 6 Computer simulation of language competition by physicists Christian Schulze and Dietrich Stauffer Institute for Theoretical Physics, Cologne University, D-50923 Ko?ln, Euroland Abstract: Computer simulation of languages is an old subject, but since the paper of Abrams and Strogatz (2003) several physics groups independently took up this field. We shortly review their work and bring more details on our own simulations. e-mail: 1 Introduction Human languages dististinguish us from other animals, but also birds or ants have systems of communication. Also, humans have invented alphabets and other formalized forms of writings. In principle the methods to be described here could be applied also to these other forms of communication, but mostly we are interested here in the presently about 104 different human languages on this planet[1]. We leave it to linguists to distinguish languages from dialects or language families; when we mention ”language” readers may read dialect or family instead. Everyday language contains thousands of words for different aspects of life, and with the special words of science, medicine, . . . we get much more. For the same concept of everyday life, each different language in general has a different word, and thus the number of possible languages is enormous and difficult to simulate. Things become easier if we look only at grammar; do we order (subject, object, verb) or (subject, verb, object) or . . .? Briscoe [2] mentioned about 30 independent binary grammatical choices, which leads to a manageable 230 ? 109 possible languages, which can be symbolized by a string of ? = 30 bits. Thus many of the simulations described here use bit-strings with ? = 8, 16 . . . 64. The present situation is not in equilibrium; about every ten days a human language dies out, and in Brazil already more than half of the indigenous language


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