Continuity of the Complex Monge-Ampere Operator on Compact Kahler Manifolds.pdf

Continuity of the Complex Monge-Ampere Operator on Compact Kahler Manifolds.pdf

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Continuity of the Complex Monge-Ampere Operator on Compact Kahler Manifolds

a r X i v : m a t h / 0 7 0 3 7 5 5 v 3 [ m a t h .C V ] 9 A p r 2 0 0 7 Continuity of the Complex Monge-Ampe?re Operator on Compact Ka?hler Manifolds Yang Xing Abstract. We prove several approximation theorems of the complex Monge-Ampe?re operator on a compact Ka?hler manifold. As an application we give a new proof of a recent result of Guedj and Zeriahi on a complete description of the range of the complex Monge-Ampe?re operator in the class of ω-plurisubharmonic functions with vanishing complex Monge-Ampe?re mass on all pluripolar sets. As a by-product we obtain a stability theorem of solutions of complex Monge-Ampe?re equations in some subclass. 1. Introduction Let X be a compact connected Ka?hler manifold of complex dimension n, equipped with the fundamental form ω given in local coordinates by ω = i 2 ∑ α,β gαβ?dz α ∧ dz?β , where (gαβ?) is a positive definite Hermitian matrix and dω = 0. The smooth volume form associated to this Ka?hler metric is given by the nth wedge product ωn. Denote by PSH(X,ω) the set of upper semi-continuous functions u : X → R ∩ {?∞} such that u is integrable in X with respect to the volume form ωn and ω + ddcu ≥ 0 on X . Functions in PSH(X,ω) are called ω-plurisubharmonic functions, which are defined on the whole X and locally given by the sum of a true plurisubharmonic function and a smooth function. Following the fundamental work of Bedford and Taylor [BT1], we know that the complex Monge-Ampe?re operator (ω + ddc)n is well-defined for all bounded ω-plurisubharmonic functions in X . By the Stokes theorem we always have ∫ X (ω + ddcu)n = ∫ X ωn. It Yang Xing Department of Mathematics, University of Ume?a, S-901 87 Ume?a, Sweden E-mail address: 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 32W20, 32Q15 Key words. complex Monge-Ampe?re operator, compact Ka?hler manifold 1 is also known that the complex Monge-Ampe?re operator (ω + ddc)n does not make sense without any problem for all functions in PS


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