Contrasting patterns of leaf solute accumulation and salt adaptation.pdf

Contrasting patterns of leaf solute accumulation and salt adaptation.pdf

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Contrasting patterns of leaf solute accumulation and salt adaptation

/locate/jnlabr/yjare Journal of Arid Environments Journal of Arid Environments 59 (2004) 259–270 Contrasting patterns of leaf solute accumulation and salt adaptation in four phreatophytic desert plants in a hyperarid desert with saline groundwater Stefan K. Arndta,*, Christina Arampatsisb, Andrea Foetzkic, Xiangyi Lid, Fanjiang Zengd, Ximing Zhangd aForest Science Centre, University of Melbourne, Water Street, Creswick, Vic. 3363, Australia b Institute of Ecology and Conservation Biology, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria cAvH Institute of Plant Sciences, University of G .ottingen, Untere Karsp .ule 2, D-37073 G .ottingen, Germany dXinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 40 Beijing Road, Urumqi, Xinjiang, PR China Received 1 August 2002; received in revised form 15 December 2003; accepted 27 January 2004 Abstract The seasonal variation of leaf solutes was investigated in four perennial phreatophytes in the natural vegetation surrounding a river oasis in the Chinese Taklamakan desert in order to elucidate their adaptation to saline groundwater. Leaves of the herbaceous perennial legume Alhagi sparsifolia, the poplar tree Populus euphratica, the salt cedar Tamarix ramosissima, and the C4 shrub Calligonum caput-medusae were collected at the end of each month during the growing season 1999 and analysed for cation, anion, organic acid, carbohydrate, glycinebetaine, and proline concentrations. The species revealed considerable differences in the foliar solute composition and their seasonal variation. Tamarix had high foliar mineral salt concentrations throughout the season but excreted the accumulated salts via salt glands. The three other species showed different degrees of ion regulation and ion selectivity. Calligonum had generally very low mineral ion concentrations, tolerated moderate Cl concentrations and excluded Na+. Populus effectively excluded Cl from its leaves but Na+ and total solute c


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