Double Fuzzy Stopping Rule for a hybrid metaheuristic for the Strip Packing Problem.pdf

Double Fuzzy Stopping Rule for a hybrid metaheuristic for the Strip Packing Problem.pdf

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Double Fuzzy Stopping Rule for a hybrid metaheuristic for the Strip Packing Problem

Double Fuzzy Stopping Rule for a hybrid metaheuristic for the Strip Packing Problem Jesu?s David Beltra?n Cano, Jose Eduardo Caldero?n Benito Ignacio Jose? Garc??a del Amo, Rayco Jorge Cabrera, Jose? A. Moreno Pe?rez and J. Marcos Moreno-Vega Departamento de E., I.O. y Computacio?n Escuela Te?cnica Superior de Ingenier??a Informa?tica, Universidad de La Laguna. 38271 La Laguna SPAIN. e-mail:, Abstract: In this work we propose a double fuzzy stopping rule for an hybrid metaheuristic approach to solve the Strip Packing Problem (SPP). The hybrid algorithm has two phases, in the second phase a Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) improves the quality of part of the solutions obtained with a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) in the first phase. The stopping rule is one of the elements of the metaheuristics least studied due to, among other reasons, the imprecision in the terminology used by experts to formulate good stopping rules. We formulate in fuzzy terms a double stopping rule for solving the SPP. The double stopping rule decides when to stop each phase of the hybrid based on different characteristics of the solution found. The results achieved with the double stopping rule for the hybrid method are compared with those existing in the literature. Keywords: GRASP, VNS, Metaheuristics, Fuzzy Stopping Rules, Strip Packing Problem 1 Introduction The Strip Packing Problem (SPP) consists of packing a finite set of the rectangles, that can be rotated 90 degrees, in the fixed width strip minimizing the height of the packing. Metaheuristic searches are general solution procedures for solving problems that must provide high quality solutions consuming moderate resource (time). A review of the application of metaheuristic algorithms to the SPP is found in [7]. Two metaheuristics with good performance are Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) [5] and Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) [6]. In this work we consider a


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