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European Railway Applications (EN 50155) Environmental Testing Qualification Report. (Shock and Vibration Standard EN 61373 Environmental Conditions for Equipment on board rolling stock EN 50125-1) EN 50155 Railway Applications Qualification Test Plan 1. PURPOSE: To demonstrate compliance of Vicor product to the environmental (EN 50125-1), shock and vibration (EN 61373) standards from EN 50155, the European Standard for electronic equipment used in Railway applications. 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Representative DC-DC power conversion modules were selected from both the Fastrak and First Gen platforms. VI-810423B was selected from Fastrak and VI-2T3-CU from First Gen. Each group was tested as outlined below to demonstrate compliance to EN 50155. Both groups successfully completed the testing with no deterioration in the performance of the modules as demonstrated in the test results. 3 REQUIREMENTS: 3.1 Test Samples: 15 pieces of VI-810423B were selected from the Fastrak product line and 15 pieces of VI-2T3-CU were selected as representative samples from the 1st Generation product line. 3.2 Production Requirements: All test samples will be manufactured with the standard process. 3.3 Testing Requirements: All modules must be tested on the standard production ATE tester for that specific model, passing all tests before initiating qualification testing. During qualification testing the product must operate as outlined in the test requirement. Upon the completion of each test set each module must be tested to verify that there are no electrical failures. Each module must also be visually inspected to verify that there are no visual defects. Page 2 of 5 Pages EN 50155 Railway Applications Qualification Test Plan 3.4 Definition of Electrical Failure: A failure will be a module that changes in electrical performance (parameters outside acceptable tolerance limits of spec


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