Far-red spectroscopy of peculiar stars and the GAIA mission.pdf

Far-red spectroscopy of peculiar stars and the GAIA mission.pdf

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Far-red spectroscopy of peculiar stars and the GAIA mission

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 2 0 6 1 0 0 v 1 6 J u n 2 0 0 2 Exotic Stars as Challenges to Evolution ASP Conference Series, Vol. , C.A. Tout and W. van Hamme ed.s Far-red spectroscopy of peculiar stars and the GAIA mission Ulisse Munari Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Sede di Asiago, 36012 Asiago (VI), Italy, (munari@pd.astro.it) Abstract. The coming GAIA Cornerstone mission by ESA will provide micro-arcsec astrometry, ~10 bands photometry and far-red spectroscopy for a huge number of stars in the Galaxy (109). GAIA spectroscopy will cover the range 8480–8740 A? which includes the CaII triplet and the head of the Paschen series. In this paper we address the diagnostic potential of this wavelength range toward detection of peculiar stars. 1. Introduction The large impact that the Hipparcos astrometric mission by ESA had on many fields of astrophysics is well known to the community. This is even more remark- able by considering that the Hipparcos observations were complete to just V ~8 mag and the horizon for astrometric errors less than 10% (R10%) was limited to 0.1 kpc, i.e. the solar neighborhood. Nevertheless, Hipparcos data have been the main driver or at least a contributor to more than 1900 papers since the release to the community of the mission data in 1997. Hipparcos was still flying when the European community begun openly speaking of its successor, with ideas already well in focus about GAIA by the time of the Cambridge 1995 ESA colloquium on the future of astrometry in space (ESA SP-379). Since then, GAIA has been at the center of a continent-wide effort dealing with its science goals and the technical design, culminated with the formal mission approval in the fall of 2000. Perryman et al. (2001, and references therein) provides an useful introduction to GAIA. Before GAIA (http://astro.estec.esa.nl/GAIA/) which launch is scheduled for not later than 2012, two other survey astrometric missions could fly if their current financial problems will


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