Fast ant colony optimization on runtime reconfigurable processor arrays.pdf

Fast ant colony optimization on runtime reconfigurable processor arrays.pdf

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Fast ant colony optimization on runtime reconfigurable processor arrays

Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 3, 345–361, 2002 ? 2002 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Fast Ant Colony Optimization on Runtime Reconfigurable Processor Arrays DANIEL MERKLE AND merkle, MARTIN MIDDENDORF Parallel Computing and Complex Systems Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Leipzig, Ostenstr. 26-28, D-04109, Leipzig, Germany Submitted August 10, 2001; Revised April 1, 2002 Abstract. Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic used to solve combinatorial optimization problems. As with other metaheuristics, like evolutionary methods, ACO algorithms often show good optimization behavior but are slow when compared to classical heuristics. Hence, there is a need to find fast implementations for ACO algorithms. In order to allow a fast parallel implementation, we propose several changes to a standard form of ACO algorithms. The main new features are the non- generational approach and the use of a threshold based decision function for the ants. We show that the new algorithm has a good optimization behavior and also allows a fast implementation on reconfigurable processor arrays. This is the first implementation of the ACO approach on a reconfigurable architecture. The running time of the algorithm is quasi-linear in the problem size n and the number of ants on a reconfigurable mesh with n2 processors, each provided with only a constant number of memory words. Keywords: ACO, reconfigurable architectures, quadratic assignment 1. Introduction Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a metaheuristic that has been applied success- fully to solve various combinatorial optimization problems (for an overview see [6]). In ACO, several generations of artificial ants search for good solutions. Every ant of a generation builds up a solution step by step, thereby going through several deci- sions until a solution is found. Similar to real ants, the artificial ants that found a


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