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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 GRE北美真题,如何举一反三(二)-智课教育旗下智课教 育 想要自己的GRE成绩得以提升的考生,就要学习利用真题来帮助自 己了解GRE考生的脉络。今天小编为考生带来GRE北美真题,如何举一 反三(二),考生可以从北美真题中得到锻炼。 想要突破GRE考试的低分窘境,就要在真题中不断练习,然后从自 己的错题中学会应对的方法,这样的学习才是考生得以成功的保证,那 么今天小编为考生带来GRE北美真题,如何举一反三(二),帮助考生提 升自己的能力。 1. Although there are weeks of negotiations ahead, and perhaps setbacks and new surprises, leaders of both parties are ---that their differences can be resolved. (A) optimistic (B) perplexed (C) apprehensive (D) incredulous (E) uncertain 2. The losing animal in a struggle saves itself from destruction by an act of ----, an act usually recognized and ---by the winner. (A) submission.. accepted (B) hostility.. avoided (C) bluffing .. reaffirmed (D) anger.. condoned (E) hatred.. duplicated 3. He never ---the wisdom I had claimed for him, and my friends quickly dismissed my estimate of his ability as ----. (A) repudiated.. irony (B) inhibited .. propaganda (C) demonstrated.. hyperbole (D) masked.. exaggeration (E) vindicated.. understatement 4. It would seem that absolute qualities in art来源:考试大 ---us, that we cannot escape viewing works of art in ---of time and circumstance. (A) enlighten.. a pattern (B) frighten.. an absence (C) confuse.. a welter (D) elude .. a context (E) deceive.. a milieu 5. This new government is faced not only with ---its economy but also with implementing new rural development programs to ---the flow of farm workers to the city. (A) managing.. stem (B) offsetting.. harness (C) bolstering.. transmit (D) challenging.. measure (E) modernizing.. subsidize 6. An analysis of the ideas in the novel compels an analysis of the form of the work, particularly when form and content are as ---as they are in The House of the Seven Gables. (A) symptomatic (B) delineated (C) integrated (D) conspicuous (E) distinctive 7. The blueprints for the new automobile were ---at first glance, but the designer had been basically too conservative to ---previous standards of beauty. (A) striking.. flout (B) impractical.. ignore (C) impec



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