Hello I am Baymax――时下最治愈英语学习(●―●).pdf

Hello I am Baymax――时下最治愈英语学习(●―●).pdf

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Hello I am Baymax――时下最治愈英语学习(●―●)

智 课 网 托 福 备 考 资 料 Hello I am Baymax――时下最治愈英语学习(●―●) 敢问2015最流行、最抢手、最惹人疼爱的私人健康顾问是谁?不用 说,当然是《超能陆战队》中的Baymax了!或者你可以叫他大白、胖子 、白球恩、白胖胖……这个高大、臃肿、线条简单的气球人可是2015年 3月份全世界电影观众们的心头宠。他不但让她们在影院笑声连连,回 到家里依旧情思捻不断。大白到底是何德何能,捕获了众多影迷的芳心 呢?快来向他学习吧! 1.哥哥泰迪的化身 Baymax is Tadashi Hiro realizes halfway through Big Hero 6that his brother, Tadashi, never intended Baymax to be used as a weapon ofvengeance. Tadashi wanted to help a lot of people and Baymax was how he woulddo it. The robot carries Tadashi`s selfless personality and calming demeanorand through him, Hiro can still keep a little piece of his brother always. 影片中,小宏一度想要把大白改造成复仇的武器,而这与哥哥泰迪 创造大白的初衷相去甚远。泰迪希望能帮助很多人,而大白正是他的化 身。在大白身上,我们可以看到泰迪无私、冷静的身影。而他也是小宏 对哥哥的一丝念想。 2.软萌的超级英雄 HeMakes a Pretty Sweet Superhero After he gets “upgrades” compliments ofHiro, Baymax becomes a rocket-fueled fighting machine who can soar above thecity of San Fransokyo and take out any enemy. Hiro gives Baymax a carbon fibersuit of armor to protect his soft underbelly and creates an Iron Man-like powerfist for him that can be launched at evil targets. 小宏为大白添加了一系列“升级”组件,让大白变成了一个会飞的 战斗机器人,他能在旧金山上空飞翔、战无不胜。为了保护大白柔软的 腹部,小宏为他制作了碳纤维铠甲,还为他创造了像钢铁侠一样的火箭 拳套,能有效地攻击坏人。 3.看着就想抱抱 He`sHighly Huggable Baymax`s “non-threatening huggable design”makes you want to squeeze the ever-living life out of him. He`s the PillsburyDough Boy, the Michelin Man, and a giant teddy bear all rolled into one. Fredeven compares him to a “warm marshmallow.” 大白的“无威胁可拥抱”设计,让人忍不住就想紧紧拥抱他庞大的 身体和那颗萌萌的心。他就像是“面团宝宝”(美国贝氏堡食品公司的 经典广告形象),米其林先生以及大号泰迪熊的综合体。影片中,弗雷 德甚至将他比作一团“暖暖的棉花糖”。 4.行动缓慢 He`s NotFast The most hilarious thing about Baymax maybe his dainty little footsteps. Equipped with a fat body and tiny legs, theinflatable hero readily admits, “I am not fast.” But that doesn`t stop him fromheading out into the world. 大白最搞笑的地方莫过于他“小巧”的步伐。胖胖的身体搭配一双 小短腿,就连这只充气机器人自己也得承认 “行动缓慢”。不过,这步伐丝毫不妨碍他席卷全球的速度。 5.自我修复只需透明胶带 HeCan Repair Himself As a robot, Baymax feels no pain,obviously, so he carries some of the same qualities as h


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