Hole-pair symmetry and excitations in the strong-coupling extended t-Jz model competition b.pdf

Hole-pair symmetry and excitations in the strong-coupling extended t-Jz model competition b.pdf

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Hole-pair symmetry and excitations in the strong-coupling extended t-Jz model competition b

a r X i v : c o n d - m a t / 0 4 0 3 7 3 3 v 1 [ c o n d - m a t .s t r - e l ] 3 0 M a r 2 0 0 4 Hole-pair symmetry and excitations in the strong-coupling extended t ? J z model: competition between d-wave and p-wave R. M. Fye Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131 G. B. Martins? and E. Dagotto Department of Physics and National High Magnetic Field Lab, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306 We analytically calculate the ground state pairing symmetry and excitation spectra of two holes doped into the half-filled t ? t′ ? t′′ ? Jz model in the strong-coupling limit (Jz |t|, |t′|, |t′′|). In leading order, this reduces to the t′ ? t′′ ? Jz model, where there are regions of d-wave, s-wave, and (degenerate) p-wave symmetry. We find that the t ? Jz model maps in lowest order onto the t′ ? t′′ ? Jz model on the boundary between d and p symmetry, with a flat lower band in the pair excitation spectrum. In higher order, d-wave symmetry is selected from the lower pair band. However, we observe that the addition of the appropriate t′ 0 and/or t′′ 0, the signs of t′ and t′′ found in the hole-doped cuprates, could drive the hole-pair symmetry to p-wave, implying the possibility of competition between p-wave and d-wave pair ground states. (An added t′ 0 and/or t′′ 0 generally tend to promote d-wave symmetry.) We perturbatively construct an extended quasi-pair for the t ? Jz model. In leading order, there are contributions from sites at a distance of √ 2 lattice spacings apart; however, contributions from sites 2 lattice spacings apart, also of the same order, vanish identically. Finally, we compare our approach with analytic calculations for a 2 × 2 plaquette and with existing numerical work, and discuss possible relevance to the physical parameter regime. PACS numbers: 71.27+a,74.20.Mn I. INTRODUCTION In recent years a number of experiments, particularly phase-sensitive ones, have indicated that the pair symme


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