INTERMON Complex QoSSLA analysis in large scale Internet.pdf

INTERMON Complex QoSSLA analysis in large scale Internet.pdf

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INTERMON Complex QoSSLA analysis in large scale Internet

INTERMON Complex QoS/SLA analysis in large scale Internet environment U. Hofmanna, I.Milouchevab, T.Pfeiffenbergerb bUniversity of Applied Science, 5020 Salzburg, Austria bSalzburg Research, 5020 Salzburg, Austria {ulrich.hofmann, oucheva, thomas.pfeiffenberger} Abstract. An advanced architecture for inter-domain QoS analysis, developed in the framework of European IST Project INTERMON1, for automation of tasks in the area of inter-domain QoS/SLA monitoring, connectivity planning and traffic engineering is presented. The main focus of the INTERMON toolkit is the integration of tools covering different aspects of QoS analysis in large scale Internet environment such as inter-domain topology discovery, QoS and traffic measurement, traffic modelling, QoS prediction, load scenario simulation, pattern and traffic matrix analysis with common data base access. Policy based control is a design concept of the INTERMON technology allowing the flexible selection, configuration and usage of tools included in the architecture for supporting of inter-domain QoS engineering and planning task. The usage of the tools in scenario for complex QoS/SLA analysis in large scale inter-domain connections is discussed. Particular case for discovering of abnormal QoS behaviour (e.g. QoS outliers) is demonstrated using real measurements within a transatlantic trial (Austria, Brazil). Keywords : QoS/SLA analysis, QoS outlier, pattern, data mining 1 Introduction Analysis of QoS behaviour in a large scale Internet environment for the purpose of capacity planning and enhanced QoS provision is a complex task requiring new technologies based on automation of facilities for measurement, monitoring, visual data mining, modelling and simulation. Integration of _______________________________________________________ 1The INTERMON project is partially found by EU IST 5 th framework program different data mining techniques (statistical and heuristic approaches) is needed i



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