Large mixing angle solution to the solar neutrino problem and random matter density perturb.pdf

Large mixing angle solution to the solar neutrino problem and random matter density perturb.pdf

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Large mixing angle solution to the solar neutrino problem and random matter density perturb

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 0 3 0 3 2 0 3 v 3 2 6 J u n 2 0 0 3 Large mixing angle solution to the solar neutrino problem and random matter density perturbations M.M. Guzzo a P.C. de Holanda a N. Reggiani b aInstituto de F??sica Gleb Wataghin Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP 13083-970 Campinas, Sa?o Paulo, Brasil bCentro de Cie?ncias Exatas, Ambientais e de Tecnologias Pontif??cia Universidade Cato?lica de Campinas Caixa Postal 317 13020-970 Campinas, SP, Brasil Abstract There are reasons to believe that mechanisms exist in the solar interior which lead to random density perturbations in the resonant region of the Large Mixing Angle solution to the solar neutrino problem. We find that, in the presence of these density perturbations, the best fit point in the (sin2 2θ,?m2) parameter space moves to smaller values, compared with the values obtained for the standard LMA solution. Combining solar data with KamLAND results, we find a new compatibility region, which we call VERY-LOW LMA, where sin2 2θ ≈ 0.6 and ?m2 ≈ 2 × 10?5 eV2, for random density fluctuations of order 5% ξ 8%. We argue that such values of density fluctuations are still allowed by helioseismological observations at small scales of order 10 - 1000 km deep inside the solar core. Key words: Solar Neutrinos, Waves, Random Perturbations PACS: 26.65, 90.60J, 96.60.H Assuming CPT invariance, the electronic antineutrino ν?e disappearance as well as the neutrino energy spectrum observed in KamLAND [1] are compatible with the predictions based on the Large Mixing Angle (LMA) realization of the MSW mechanism, resonantly enhanced oscillations in matter [2,3]. This compatibility makes LMA the best solution to the solar neutrino anomaly [4]- [10]. The best fit values of the relevant neutrino parameters which generate such a solution are ?m2 = 7.3 × 10?5 eV2 and tan2 θ = 0.41 with a free boron neutrino flux fB = 1.05 [11] with the 1 σ intervals: ?m 2 = (6.2 ? 8.4)× 10?5 eV2 and tan2 θ = 0.33 ? 0.54. Pre


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