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? 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 21, 2013 1 Release 14.5 Workshop 10: Basic Parametric Analysis ANSYS Maxwell 2D V16 ? 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 21, 2013 2 Release 14.5 About Workshop ? Parametric study using a coil and Iron slug – This workshop describes the steps required to setup a parametric analysis offered through Optimetrics. – An RZ Magnetostatic problem will be used to demonstrate the setup of a parametric solution using Optimetrics in Maxwell 2D. The coil current and the dimensional length of an iron slug will be varied and the force on the slug will be observed. 2D Flux Lines and Flux Density 3D Geometry: Coil and Iron Slug ? 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 21, 2013 3 Release 14.5 Problem Setup ? Create Design – Select the menu item Project ? Insert Maxwell 2D Design, or click on the icon ? Set Solution Type – Select the menu item Maxwell 2D ? Solution Type – Solution Type Window: 1. Geometry Mode: Cylindrical about Z 2. Choose Magnetic Magnetostatic 3. Click the OK button ? 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 21, 2013 4 Release 14.5 Create Model ? Create Coil – Select the menu item Draw ? Rectangle 1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle – X: 1, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key 2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner – dX: 0.25, dY: 0, dZ: 0.8, Press the Enter key – Change the name of resulting sheet to Coil and color to Orange – Change the material of the sheet to Copper ? Create Slug – Select the menu item Draw ? Rectangle 1. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the position of rectangle – X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0, Press the Enter key 2. Using the coordinate entry fields, enter the opposite corner – dX: 0.5, dY: 0, dZ: 1, Press the Enter key – Change the name of resulting sheet to Slug and color to Blue – Change the material of the sheet to Steel_1008 ? 2013 ANSYS, Inc. May 21, 2013 5 Release 14.5 Add Parameter SlugHeight ? Parameterize Slug – Expand the history tree for the


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