Predictive and adaptive bandwidth reservation for hand-offs in QoS-sensitive cellular netwo.pdf

Predictive and adaptive bandwidth reservation for hand-offs in QoS-sensitive cellular netwo.pdf

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Predictive and adaptive bandwidth reservation for hand-offs in QoS-sensitive cellular netwo

Predictive and Adaptive Bandwidth Reservation for Hand-O s inQoS-Sensitive Cellular Networks Sunghyun Choi and Kang G. ShinReal-Time Computing LaboratoryDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceThe University of MichiganAnn Arbor, Michigan 48109{2122E-mail: fshchoi,kgshing@AbstractHow to control hand-o drops is a very important Quality-of-Service (QoS) issue in cellular networks. In order to keepthe hand-o dropping probability below a pre-speci ed tar-get value (thus providing a probabilistic QoS guarantee), wedesign and evaluate predictive and adaptive schemes for thebandwidth reservation for the existing connections hand-o s and the admission control of new connections.We rst develop a method to estimate user mobilitybased on an aggregate history of hand-o s observed in eachcell. This method is then used to predict (probabilistically)mobiles directions and hand-o times in a cell. For eachcell, the bandwidth to be reserved for hand-o s is calculatedby estimating the total sum of fractional bandwidths of theexpected hand-o s within a mobility-estimation time win-dow. We also develop an algorithm that controls this win-dow for ecient use of bandwidth and e ective response to(1) time-varying trac/mobility and (2) inaccuracy of mo-bility estimation. Three di erent admission-control schemesfor new connection requests using this bandwidth reserva-tion are proposed. Finally, we evaluate the performance ofthe proposed schemes to show that they meet our design goaland outperform the static reservation scheme under variousscenarios.1 IntroductionRecently, there has been a rapid growth of e orts in re-search and development to provide mobile users the meansof \seamless communications through wireless media. Thishas made it possible to implement and deploy the currentcellular systems, PCS (Personal Communication Systems),and some commercial wireless LANs like WaveLAN [11].There has also been a great demand for broadband mul-timedia communication involvin


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