Radiative Corrections to Moller Scattering of Polarized Particles.pdf

Radiative Corrections to Moller Scattering of Polarized Particles.pdf

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Radiative Corrections to Moller Scattering of Polarized Particles

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 9 7 1 2 4 0 7 v 1 1 7 D e c 1 9 9 7 Radiative Corrections to Moller Scattering of Polarized Particles N. M. Shumeiko, J.G. Suarez National Scientific and Education Center of Particle and High Energy Physics attached to Byelorussian State University February 1, 2008 Abstract Principal contributions to QED radiative effects for Moller scat- tering of polarized particles are investigated both on the Born level and taking into account radiative corrections (RC). Scattering on the case of longitudinal and transversal polarized targets is also considered. In a general way the expressions for differential cross section and polarization asymmetry (PA) have been defined, and re- spective graphics for longitudinal and transversal polarization asym- metries and also for radiative corrections to asymmetry are pre- sented. All quantities are presented in terms of covariant variables. The ultrarelativistic approximation was applied for calculations. The results of a computer run are presented. 1 Introduction For a wide serie of experiments in SLAC (E-142,E-143,E-154,E-155), it is neccesary to know the polarization of electron beam. For this aim a single arm Moller polarimeter is utilized. In order to extract (with de- sirable accuracy) beam polarization pb we need to calculate theoretically, taking into account the experimental conditions, the quantities σth and Ath - theoretical meaning of cross section (CS) and polarization asym- metry. If the experimental data for polarization asymmetry (Ameas) and target polarization (pt) are known, the ratio Ameas = pbptA th, (1) allows to find the polarization of electron beam. 1 2 Method of Calculation The Moller (e? + e? → e? + e?) scattering CS of order O(α3) can be written in the form (within the QED treatment) σ = σo + σV + σR, (2) where each σo,V,R def = dσo,V,R/dy, and y def = 1 ? E ′/E, where E(E’) is the energy of the initial (scattered) electron. σo is the Born (non radiative) contribution of order O


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