Regional aerosol deposition and flow measurements in an idealized mouth and throat.pdf

Regional aerosol deposition and flow measurements in an idealized mouth and throat.pdf

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Regional aerosol deposition and flow measurements in an idealized mouth and throat

Aerosol Science 35 (2004) 21–32 /locate/jaerosci Regional aerosol deposition and ow measurements in an idealized mouth and throat B. Grgic, W.H. Finlay?, A.F. Heenan Mechanical Engineering Department, 4-9, Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2G8 Received 18 July 2003; received in revised form 18 July 2003; accepted 28 July 2003 Abstract Extrathoracic deposition was studied using an idealized average human mouth and throat replica. E1ects of particle size, ow rate and ow Reynolds number were examined using gamma scintigraphy and gravime- try. Radiolabeled monodisperse sebacate (DEHS) oil particles of mass median diameter dp=3, 5 and 6:5 m and two constant ow rates Q=30 and 90 l=min were used. Total and regional depositions were measured using costumized image analysis software that allowed extraction of position and intensity of radioactive sites. Aerosol deposition is mostly in the larynx and trachea, and is dictated by pharyngeal and glottal morphological constrictions and consequent ow jets. It was found that deposition e;ciency is correlated with the inertial parameter (d2pQ) indicating that inertial impaction is the dominant deposition mechanism. Regional deposi- tion results are correlated with uid ow measurements obtained using particle image velocimetry. Deposition e;ciency is enhanced with increasing ow Reynolds number, even if the Stokes number is held constant, due to changes in the cross-sectional velocity pro=le. An empirical correction is derived that takes into account this e1ect. ? 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Extrathoracic deposition; Gamma scintigraphy; Gravimetry; Mouth; Pharynx; Larynx; Trachea; Reynolds number e1ect; PIV ow measurements 1. Introduction The respiratory system is used as a route for the treatment of a variety of respiratory diseases by way of inhaled aerosols. Many di1erent devices are presently used for respiratory drug delivery. In ? Corresponding author. Tel.: +


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