Relativistic mean-field description of the dynamics of giant resonances.pdf

Relativistic mean-field description of the dynamics of giant resonances.pdf

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Relativistic mean-field description of the dynamics of giant resonances

a r X i v : n u c l - t h / 9 8 0 9 0 3 6 v 1 1 1 S e p 1 9 9 8 Relativistic mean-field description of the dynamics of giant resonances D. Vretenar a, P. Ring b, G.A. Lalazissis b, and N.Paar a a Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia b Physik-Department der Technischen Universita?t Mu?nchen, D-85748 Garching, Germany February 9, 2008 Abstract The relativistic mean-field theory provides a framework in which the nuclear many-body problem is described as a self-consistent sys- tem of nucleons and mesons. In the mean-field approximation, the self-consistent time evolution of the nuclear system describes the dy- namics of collective motion: nuclear compressibility from monopole resonances, regular and chaotic dynamics of isoscalar and isovector collective vibrations. 1 The relativistic mean field model Relativistic mean-field (RMF) models have been successfully applied in cal- culations of nuclear matter and properties of finite nuclei throughout the pe- riodic table. In the self-consistent mean-field approximation, detailed calcu- lations have been performed for a variety of nuclear structure phenomena [1]. 1 In this work we present applications of RMF to the dynamics of collective vi- brations in spherical nuclei. In relativistic quantum hadrodynamics [2], the nucleus is described as a system of Dirac nucleons which interact through the exchange of virtual mesons and photons. The Lagrangian density of the model is L = ψ? (iγ · ? ?m)ψ + 1 2 (?σ)2 ? U(σ) ? 1 4 ?μν? μν + 1 2 m2ωω 2 ? 1 4 ~Rμν~R μν + 1 2 m2ρ~ρ 2 ? 1 4 FμνF μν ? gσψ?σψ ? gωψ?γ · ωψ ? gρψ?γ · ~ρ~τψ ? eψ?γ ·A (1? τ3) 2 ψ . (1) The Dirac spinor ψ denotes the nucleon with mass m. mσ, mω, and mρ are the masses of the σ-meson, the ω-meson, and the ρ-meson, and gσ, gω, and gρ are the corresponding coupling constants for the mesons to the nucleon. U(σ) denotes the nonlinear σ self-interaction, and ?μν , ~Rμν , and F μν are field tensors [1, 2]. The coupled equations of motion ar


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