Revision of unit 7Where would like to visit.doc

Revision of unit 7Where would like to visit.doc

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Revision of unit 7Where would like to visit

Revision of Unit 7 Where would you like to visit? 复习目标 Ⅰ.知识目标: A:掌握would like to和hope to句型,通过练习加以巩固。 B:掌握词汇:thrilling peaceful tiring boring …… Ⅱ.能力目标: A:学会谈论自己想去的地方。 B:会使用以下基本句型。 Where would you like to visit ? I would like to visit … I hope to visit … Ⅲ.情感目标: 通过本单元的学习,增强实际交际能力,开阔眼界,加深对世界各地的了解,自觉地保护地球,保护环境。 Ⅳ.教学重点难点: A.通过练习,巩固本单元所学的词组、句型。 B.能用目标语言谈论自己想去的地方。 Step 1 呈现目标 Where would you like to visit ? I would like to visit … Why would you like to visit there ? Because it is … Some useful words Beautiful relaxing educational peaceful fun thrilling exciting crowded touristy tiring dangerous boring expensive … Step 2 重点词汇、短语、句型 (一)玩转单词 1. Watching TV for a long time is ______________(令人疲倦的). 2. I think that film is _______________(有教育意义的). 3. Do you think the sights there are ______________(迷人的). 4. Do you like __________(长途跋涉) through the _________(热带丛林)? 5. Where would you like to go on ______________(假期)? 6. There are so many ______________(游客) in my hometown in spring. 7. Who can _____________ (翻译) these sentences into Chinese. 8. Listen! The garden is _______________(宁静的)。 9.Paris is one of the ___________(充满活力的) cities in Europe? 10.The trip in the mountains is _____________ (令人激动的). (二)词组盘点: 从容,不紧张:_________________ 通常,大体上:_________________ 尽快地:______________________ 乐意(做某事):_______________ 相当多,不少:________________ 梦想,向往:__________________ 坚持,继续:__________________ 将来的某一天:________________ (三)句型再现: 我希望有一天能到巴黎参观。 I _________ _________ _________ Paris some day. 在夏天,武汉是最热的城市之一。 Wuhan is one of the __________ _________ in summer. 公司给他提供了一辆小汽车。 The firm _________ _________ _________ a car. 下一次度假,你为什么不考虑去游览巴黎呢? For your next vacation, _________ _________ __________ visiting Paris? 我们应该把父母看作朋友。 We _________ __________ __________ consider our parents as our friends. 我想去某个暖和的地方。 I _________ _________ __________ __________somewhere warm. 最好穿凉快的衣服。 _________ __________ __________ __________ cool clothes. Step 3 练习 (一)用活语法 ( )1.I ‘d like to tre


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