Runaway charged particles and center manifolds.pdf

Runaway charged particles and center manifolds.pdf

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Runaway charged particles and center manifolds

Runaway Charged Particles and Center ManifoldsHerbert SpohnZentrum Mathematik, TU Munchen, D{80290 Munchen, Germany(August 26, 1998)AbstractWe consider the coupled Maxwell{Lorentz equations for a single charge witha rigid charge distribution subject to slowly varying external potentials. Inthe adiabatic limit, to lowest order, the motion of the charge is governed byan e ective Hamiltonian. In the next order we obtain, as a small correction,the radiation reaction containing q{terms. This equation has a stable centermanifold and the true solution stays close to the center manifold. The motionon the center manifold is governed by a novel second order equation whichcontains \friction terms whose sign and strength depend on the externalpotentials. Typeset using REVTEX1 Classical electrodynamics covers a huge range of physical phenomena. One considerseither the motion of charged particles in prescribed electromagnetic elds or the electro-magnetic elds for given world lines of the charges. With Abraham and Lorentz it is thennatural to assume that also the coupled system, elds and charges, is a well{de ned theory.Consulting the standard textbook [1] leaves the reader unsatis ed, a feeling reinforced by therather gloomy discussion of Feynman [2]. The problem is centered around the point chargelimit. The electromagnetic contribution to the mass of the particle tends then to +1 whichis supposedly balanced by taking its bare mass to 1. The resulting e ective equationsof motion for the charged particle are of third order and contain a q{term, which leads torunaway solutions: the mechanical energy of the particle increases at the expense of thein nite self{energy. Rohrlich [3] rules such solutions as unphysical, hence to be ignored. Hisprescription seems somewhat ad hoc and in addition leads to the acausal preacceleration. Irefer to the book by Yaghjian [4] as an excellent and comprehensive survey.Recently we investigated the Maxwell{Lorentz equations for a single cha


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