SIMPLE- Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica Some Examples of Danis.pdf

SIMPLE- Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica Some Examples of Danis.pdf

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SIMPLE- Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica Some Examples of Danis

SIMPLE - Semantic Information for Multifunctional Plurilingual Lexica: Some Examples of Danish:Concrete Nouns Bolette Sandford Pedersen Center for Sprogteknologl Njalsgade 80 DK-2300 S Denmark bolette@cst ku dk Brltt Keson Det Danske Sprog- og Lltteraturselskab Chnstmns Brygge I, l DK- 1219 Copenhagen K Denmark bntt_keson@lrct org Abstract SIMPLE is a large-scale Emopean lexicon project funded by the European Commlssmn with the partlctpat~on ot 12 European countries The mm of the project is to add harmomzed semantm mtormatlon to the LE-PAROLE lexicons 1, which contain motphological and syntactic information In this paper we present some examples of concrete nouns trom the Danish SIMPLE lexicon which illustrate two central aspects of the SIMPLE model 1) the expressive power of the Quaha Structure exemphhed with a phenomenon relevant to a Scandinavian language like Damsh namely the iepresentatlon of the mternal structure of Danish non- devet bal nominal compounds, and 2) the leptesentatmn ol legular polysemy in the Damsh SIMPLE lexmon 1 Introduct ion The SIMPLE model is primarily based on three lexlcal flameworks (Lencl et al, 1998) The Geneiatlve Lexicon (cf Pustejovsky, 1995), WoldNet (cf Miller and Fellbaum, 1991), and EuroWordNet (ct Vossen et al, 1998) The basic underlying assumption m the model is that word senses diffei in tel ms of their internal complexity Hence the SIMPLE model consists of three different semantic types (t) simple types, which can be characterized In terms of z The LE-PAROLE lexlcons contain 20,000 entries with corresponding morphological and syntactic mlormation tot each ot the 12 languages that parttclpated m this project, whlch was also tunded by the European Commtssmn (ct Rmmy et al, 1998) monodimensional relations, (n) unified types, which involve multidimensional information, and (ill) complex types, which identify regular polysemous classes One of the basic tasks during the SIMPLE le


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