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经济学原理II(2007年春季学期) 作业3 第一部分:教材习题 教材,第29章,问题与应用,5, 6,9,10,11 5. a. Here is BSBs T-account: Beleaguered State Bank Assets Liabilities Reserves $25 million Deposits $250 million Loans $225 million b. When BSBs largest depositor withdraws $10 million in cash and BSB reduces its loans outstanding to maintain the same reserve ratio, its T-account is now: Beleaguered State Bank Assets Liabilities Reserves $24 million Deposits $240 million Loans $216 million c. Since BSB is cutting back on its loans, other banks will find themselves short of reserves and they may also cut back on their loans as well. d. BSB may find it difficult to cut back on its loans immediately, since it cant force people to pay off loans. Instead, it can stop making new loans. But for a time it might find itself with more loans than it wants. It could try to attract additional deposits to get additional reserves, or borrow from another bank or from the Fed. 6. If you take $100 that you held as currency and put it into the banking system, then the total amount of deposits in the banking system increases by $1,000, since a reserve ratio of 10 percent means the money multiplier is 1/.10 = 10. Thus the money supply increases by $900, since deposits increase by $1,000 but currency declines by $100. 9. a. With a required reserve ratio of 10 percent and no excess reserves, the money multiplier is 1/.10 = 10. If the Fed sells $1 million of bonds, reserves will decline by $1 million and the money supply will contract by 10 x $1 million = $10 million. b. Banks might wish to hold excess reserves if they need to hold the reserves for their day-to-day operations, such as paying other banks for customers transactions, making change, cashing paychecks, and so on. If banks increase excess reserves such that theres no overall change in the total reserve ratio, then the money multiplier doesnt change and theres no effect on the money stock. 10. a. With banks holding only required re


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