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Silent Mode Over-Temperature Sensor Dominant Time-Out Driver 30 Am VCC 2 VCC/2 30 Am VCC 3 1 4 TXD RXD 8 5 7 6 S Vref CANH CANL SN65HVD1050 SLLS632B –DECEMBER 2005–REVISED MARCH 2010 EMC OPTIMIZED CAN TRANSCEIVER Check for Samples: SN65HVD1050 1FEATURES DESCRIPTION 2? Improved Replacement for the TJA1050 ? High Electromagnetic Immunity (EMI) The SN65HVD1050 meets or exceeds the specifications of the ISO 11898 standard for use in ? Very Low Electromagnetic Emissions (EME) applications employing a Controller Area Network ? Meets or Exceeds the Requirements of (CAN). ISO 11898-2 As a CAN transceiver, this device provides differential ? Bus-Fault Protection of –27 V to 40 V transmit capability to the bus and differential receive ? Dominant Time-Out Function capability to a CAN controller at signaling rates up to 1 megabit per second (Mbps) (1) .? Power-Up/Down Glitch-Free Bus Inputs and Outputs Designed for operation is especially harsh – High Input Impedance with Low VCC environments, the HVD1050 features cross-wire, over-voltage and loss of ground protection from -27 V– Monotonic Outputs During Power Cycling to 40V, over-temperature shut down, a -12 V to 12 V common-mode range, and will withstand voltage APPLICATIONS transients from -200 V to 200 V according to ISO ? Industrial Automation 7637. – DeviceNet? Data Buses (Vendor ID #806) ? SAE J2284 High Speed CAN for Automotive Applications ? SAE J1939 Standard Data Bus Interface (1) The signaling rate of a line is the number of voltage ? ISO 11783 Standard Data Bus Interface transitions that are made per second expressed in the units ? NMEA 2000 Standard Data Bus Interface bps (bits per second). FUNCTION BLOCK DIAGRAM 1 Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet. 2DeviceNet is a trademark of Open DeviceNet Vendors Association, Inc. PRODUCTI


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