Stars of extragalactic origin in the solar neighborhood.pdf

Stars of extragalactic origin in the solar neighborhood.pdf

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Stars of extragalactic origin in the solar neighborhood

a r X i v : a s t r o - p h / 0 4 0 3 1 4 8 v 1 5 M a r 2 0 0 4 STARS OF EXTRAGALACTIC ORIGIN IN THE SOLAR NEIGHBORHOOD T.V. Borkova, V.A. Marsakov Institute of Physics, Rostov State University, 194, Stachki street, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, 344090 e-mail:, accepted 2004, Astronomy Letters, Vol. 30, No. 3, P.148-158 Abstract We computed the spatial velocities and the galactic orbital elements using Hipparcos data for 77 nearest main-sequence F–G stars with pub- lished the iron, magnesium, and europium abundances determined from high dispersion spectra and with the ages estimated from theoretical isochrones. A comparison with the orbital elements of the globular clus- ters that are known was accreted by our Galaxy in the past reveals stars of extragalactic origin. We show that the relative elemental abundance ratios of r- and α-elements in all the accreted stars differ sharply from those in the stars that are genetically associated with the Galaxy. Ac- cording to current theoretical models, europium is produced mainly in low-mass Type II supernovae (SNe II), while magnesium is synthesized in larger amounts in high-mass SN II progenitors. Since all the old accreted stars of our sample exhibit a significant Eu overabundance relative to Mg, we conclude that the maximum masses of the SN II progenitors outside the Galaxy were much lower than those inside it are. On the other hand, only a small number of young accreted stars exhibit low negative ratios [Eu/Mg] 0. The delay of primordial star formation burst and the explosions of high-mass SNe II in a relatively small part of extragalactic space can explain this situation. We provide evidence that the interstellar medium was weakly mixed at the early evolutionary stages of the Galaxy formed from a single proto-galactic cloud and that the maximum mass of the SN II progenitors increased in it with time simultaneously with the increase in mean metallicity. Keywords: chemical composition


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