Strange particle production at RHIC in a single-freeze-out model.pdf

Strange particle production at RHIC in a single-freeze-out model.pdf

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Strange particle production at RHIC in a single-freeze-out model

a r X i v : n u c l - t h / 0 1 1 2 0 4 3 v 3 8 A p r 2 0 0 2 Strange particle production at RHIC in a single-freeze-out model? Wojciech Broniowski and Wojciech Florkowski The H. Niewodniczan?ski Institute of Nuclear Physics, PL-31342 Cracow, Poland Strange particle ratios and p⊥-spectra are calculated in a thermal model with single freeze-out, previously used successfully to describe non-strange particle production at RHIC. The model and the recently released data for φ, Λ, Λ and K?(892)0 are in very satisfactory agreement, showing that the thermal approach can be used to describe the strangeness production at RHIC. 25.75.-q, 25.75.Dw, 25.75.Ld I. INTRODUCTION In this paper we calculate the ratios and the p⊥-spectra for the strange particles produced at RHIC at √ s = 130 GeV A. We use the thermal model with single freeze- out. The work is a direct follow-up of our previous study reported in Ref. [1]. The very recent data from the STAR collaboration on the production of φ [2], Λ [3], Λ [3], and K?(892)0 [4] are confronted with the model and a very good agreement is found. Enhanced strangeness production in the high-energy nuclear collisions, relative to more elementary pp or e+e? collisions, was proposed many years ago [5,6] as a sig- nal of the quark-gluon plasma formation (for more re- cent arguments and discussion see, e.g., [7]). In the meantime, the experimental evidence for the enhance- ment has indeed been found, however its significance for the plasma formation remains an open problem [8]. The ratios of the particle abundances measured in Pb+Pb collisions at SPS ( √ s =17 GeV A) and in Au+Au colli- sions at RHIC ( √ s =130 GeV A) are very well explained in the framework of the thermal models which use the hadronic degrees of freedom only [9–11]. In this approach one assumes that the net strangeness is zero, and the strange hadrons are in a complete thermal and chemi- cal equilibrium with other hadrons. A combination of the thermal model with a suitable


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