Study of Wire Angle Optimization of Muon CSC Chambers in the CMS Geometry.pdf

Study of Wire Angle Optimization of Muon CSC Chambers in the CMS Geometry.pdf

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Study of Wire Angle Optimization of Muon CSC Chambers in the CMS Geometry

Figure 6: Overall CSC resolution as a function of anode wire tilt angle for all endcap muonstations. The Lorentz angle resolution is shown as a solid circle in all plots.12 Figure 5b: Resolution distributions as a function of the chamber entrance angle  with wire anglecorrection equal to the average Lorentz angle for all endcap muon stations.11 Figure 5a: Residual distributions with the wire angle correction equal to the average Lorentzangle in each endcap muon station. 10 Figure 4b: Resolution distributions as a function of the chamber entrance angle  with no wireangle correction for all endcap muon stations. 9 Figure 4a: Residual distributions with no wire angle correction for all endcap muon stations.8 Table 3: Correction angle to the CSC anode wire and resulting resolutions.Station Ring Avg. Bz Uncorrected Avg. Lorentz Resolution(kgauss) resolution (m) angle (deg) (m)MF1 inner 37. 248. 30 54.middle 37. 213. 30 51.MF2 inner 18. 151. 15 67.middle 2. 80. 2 76.outer -4. 54. -3 51.MF3 inner 7. 93. 6 63.middle 0. 70. 0 70.outer -2. 45. -2 45.MF4 inner 0. 56. 0 56.middle 0. 62. 0 62.outer 0. 44. 0 44.References[1] V. Balgura, Y. Fisyak, V. Tcherniatin. GEM Cathode Strip chamber resolution study, GEMTN-93-499[2] Allison W. W. M., , Cobb J. H.,Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci., 30, 253, (1980) 7 Table 2: Digitization parameters for the endcap muon CSC chambers.Station Ring strip wire step anode-cathode Nstrips Nwires Ngroups(mrad) (cm.) separation (cm.)MF1 inner 2.992 .254 .25 80 256 16middle 2.992 .261 .25 80 440 20MF2 inner 2.992 .250 .25 80 640 32middle 2.992 .256 .25 80 704 32outer 1.396 .250 .25 160 1200 60MF3 inner 2.992 .250 .25 80 640 32middle 2.992 .256 .25 80 704 32outer 1.396 .250 .25 160 1200 60MF4 inner 2.992 .250 .25 80 640 32middle 2.992 .256 .25 80 704 32outer 1.396 .250 .25 160 1200 60where Bz, the z-component of the magnetic eld, is 4 Tesla. This e ect is also seen in the innerrings of MF2 and MF3 which have an average Bz greater than 1 Tesla. The magnetic e


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