Study for the determination of the absolute configuration.pdf

Study for the determination of the absolute configuration.pdf

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Study for the determination of the absolute configuration

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 84 (1997) 19–23 0022-1139/97/$17.00 q 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved PII S0022- 1139 (97)00026 -2 Journal: FLUOR (Journal of Fluorine Chemistry) Article: 3601 Study for the determination of the absolute configuration of fluoromethylated secondary alcohols by the modified Mosher method Ling Xiao a , Takashi Yamazaki a , Tomoya Kitazume a,U , Tetsuo Yonezawa b , Yoshitake Sakamoto b , Kouji Nogawa b a Department of Bioengineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta, Midori-ku Yokohama 226, Japan b Department of Research and Development, Morita Chemical Industries Co. Ltd., Higasi-mikuni, Yadogawa-ku, Osaka 532, Japan Received 6 September 1996; accepted 15 February 1997 Abstract Application of the modified Mosher method using high-field FT 1 H NMR to the 2-methoxy-2-phenyl-2-trifluoromethyl acetic acid (MTPA) derivatives of fluorinated secondary alcohols indicates that this method may be generally used to determine the absolute configurations of these materials. q 1997 Elsevier Science S.A. Keywords: Fluorinated secondary alcohols; Absolute configuration Fig. 2. Model used to determine the absolute configurations of secondary alcohols. Fig. 1. MTPA plane of an MTPA ester. H A,B,C and H X,Y,Z are on the left and right sides of the plane respectively. 1. Introduction One objective of research in fluorine chemistry, required to support applications in fluorine analogs of bioactive [1] and/or functionalized materials [2], is the development of methodology suitable for determination of the absolute con- figuration. There are a few physical methods, e.g. the exciton chirality method [3] and X-ray crystallography, however they have some limitations. Recently, in hydrocarbon chem- istry, Kakisawa and coworkers have reported that a modifi- cation of Mosher’s method is useful to elucidate the absolute configuration of secondary alcohols [4]. Accordingly, we have devoted our attention to application of the modified Mosher method


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